Centre for Infectious Disease Research (CID)
Infections pose a considerable threat to human health. New pathogens are constantly discovered, well-known microbes continue to cause problems by changes in transmission, pathogenesis and development of resistance to antimicrobial drugs. This is linked to a lack of clinically relevant diagnostics, effective treatment options and protective vaccines
The Centre for Infectious Disease Research (CID) will cover biologically relevant infectious disease research with a focus on
- Antimicrobial resistance and drug development
- Diagnostics
- Epidemiology and transmission
- Pathogenesis
Goals for CID
1. To advance our understanding of infectious diseases in man and animals.
2. To integrate and develop innovative ways to explore antibiotic resistance in bacteria, parasites and viruses as well as to explore novel anti-microbial drugs, diagnostic methods, mathematical models- and biostatistics for infectious diseases.
3. To unveil host- and microbial factors for the pathogenesis of infectious diseases and to identify original procedures to study molecular- and traditional epidemiology , systems microbiology, ecology, and evolution. This will allow the generation of fundamental insights into infection biology, immunology, and clinical microbiology and create a knowledge-platform for vaccine development .
4. To perform preclinical and clinical trials in collaboration with clinicians and companies to propel testing and implementation of novel vaccines and antimicrobials.
5. To provide a meeting ground for basic- and clinical research on infectious diseases and ways to combat them.
6. To provide an exciting training site for students at all academic levels through the creation of a school of excellence for undergraduates, PhD and post-doctoral students.
7. To provide a platform for junior faculty to further strengthen their scientific careers.
8. To develop state-of-the-art experimental platforms including next generation sequencing and sequence analysis/bioinformatics, vaccine delivery platform, an immunology test-bed, a facility for visualization of microbes and immune responses in vivo including a humanized mouse. We build a collection of pathogens of distinct geno- and phenotypes and a collection of biological samples from patients with different disease states and with defined markers of immune protection.
9. To make CID a meeting ground to promote commercialization of new ideas and concepts that can constitute the ground for new biotechnology company start-ups that will help to transform successful academic Research & Development programs into products.

Preliminary organization plan for CID
Partners and Research
- Professor Jan Albert
- Professor Lars Engstrand
- Professor Birgitta Henriques Normark
- Professor Staffan Normark
- Professor Peter Liljeström
- Professor Mats Wahlgren