Ming Wai Lau Centre for Reparative Medicine
Ming Wai Lau Centre for Reparative Medicine was established to further accelerate research in stem cell biology, biomedical engineering, biotechnology, and regenerative medicine at KI. From 1 January 2024 all operations are based in Sweden.

Five projects have been awarded 2024 MWLC Seed Grants
The Ming Wai Lau Centre for Reparative Medicine (MWLC) Seed Grant Programme was established in 2023 to fund and promote new research collaborations within stem cell differentiation, reprogramming and biomanufacturing toward translational application at Karolinska Institutet. For the 2024 announcement of MWLC Seed Grants, five applications were selected by an external panel of reviewers to be awarded with one million SEK per year for a period of max three years per project.

Dongan Wang has been appointed Foreign Adjunct Professor
Dongan Wang, Professor at Department of Biomedical Engineering of City University Hong Kong, has been appointed Foreign Adjunct Professor at Department of Neuroscience at KI during 2024-2026. His research focuses on biomaterials, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine and molecular pharmaceutics. He has a special interest in functional biomaterials for tissue engineering and therapeutic cell delivery; nucleic acid delivery for therapeutic engineering; and engineered biomimetic tissue platforms for in vitro drug evaluation.

Gonçalo Castelo-Branco has been awarded the 2022 ERC Advanced Grants
Gonçalo Castelo-Branco is one of the three KI researchers who have been awarded the 2022 European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grants. The grant will support Gonçalo's group in using single-cell and spatial sequencing technologies to investigate the function of oligodendrocytes, cells of the central nervous system, in the context of multiple sclerosis (MS).

Simon Elsässer has been awarded the 2022 ERC Consolidator Grants
Simon Elsässer is one of the two KI researchers who have been awarded 2022 European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grants. The grant will support his project "ChromaDYN: Quantitative multimodal pulse-and-label time-resolved chromatin maps" which studies how cells decide their fate during embryonal development.

Sijie Chen’s new publication in Science Advances
Sijie Chen Lab has developed a new fluorescent mechanosensitive probe. This probe simultaneously labeled the plasma membrane and mitochondria of the living HeLa cells. By fluorescence lifetime imaging, membrane tension changes in both organelles under different conditions can be visualized. This expands the research tool available for mechanobiological studies.

Ning Xu Landén has been awarded research grants by the LEO foundation
Ning Xu Landén has been granted DKK 4.2 million by the LEO foundation for research on wound healing. Ning Xu and her team seeks to identify the “master” regulators of inflammation-to-proliferation transition in order to improve and accelerate wound healing and thus minimize the risk of development of chronic wounds.

Inauguration of MWLC
On 7 October 2016, MWLC was inaugurated in Hong Kong Science Park. The officiating party included representatives of the Chinese and Hong Kong SAR governments, the Consul General of Sweden in Hong Kong and Macao, senior management of KI and Steering Group and management team of MWLC.

Visit of HRH Prince Carl Philip
HRH Prince Carl Philip of Sweden visited MWLC on 7 December as part of an official visit to Hong Kong. Our scientists showed the Prince and the Consul General Helena Storm to our lab facilities and experiments.

Visit of the President and Chair of the Board
President Ole Petter Ottersen and Chair of the Board of Karolinska Institutet Mikael Odenberg met with MWLC staff for the very first time on 19 December 2018. Our PIs presented ongoing research and demonstrated some of the techniques used in the lab.

Shaping the future of MWLC
MWLC together with the Consulate General of Sweden organized the reception "Moving forward together: Shaping the future of Ming Wai Lau Centre for Reparative Medicine" for representatives from the academia, industry and governmental bodies to learn more about MWLC and our ongoing activities.