Surgical Care Science – Pernilla Lagergren's research group

The overall aim of the research is to identify modifiable risk factors or predictors for poor recovery after treatment in order to individualise supportive actions for improved quality of life among patients and their families.

Members of the group

Research group leader

News Surgical Care Science

Calendar Surgical Care Science

Our research

The research group focuses on patient-reported outcomes, that is, research on patients using self-report questionnaires. Using patient-reported outcome measures of health-related quality of life (HRQOL), psychosocial aspects, nutritional problems and symptoms are some of the aspects explored in patients with cancer of the upper gastrointestinal tract with a focus on oesophageal cancer patients in particular. The overall aim of the research is to identify modifiable risk factors or predictors for poor recovery after treatment in order to individualise supportive actions for improved quality of life among patients and their families.

Staff and contact

Group leader

All members of the group

Other people connected to the group

  • Schandl, Anna

Who we are


Surgical Care Science
Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery
Blombäcks väg 23, level 4
SE-171 77 Stockholm

Visiting address: Blombäcks väg 23, level 4, KI Campus Solna

Job Vacancies

We currently have no vacancies


History and future goals

The research group leader Pernilla Lagergren defended her thesis in 2006. Since 2011 she is a tenured professor of Surgical Care Sciences. The group consists of PhD students, junior and senior researcher, biostatistician, research nurses, project coordinator and executive assistant. Since 2006, 11 PhD students have defendet their theses. 

The group focuses on health-related quality of life, symptoms, weight development and psychological aspects in patients with diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract, with a particular focus on cancer of the oesophagus. To study all these aspects, the group uses patient-reported outcome measures which means that it is the patient who responds to questionnaires based on how he or she feels. Identification of factors associated with health-related quality of life impairments, risk of symptoms, weight loss, psychological reactions and recovery following disease and treatment is a priority. There is a need to further develop the use and processing of patient-reported outcomes, and the group has intensified their focus on methodological research in this area. In addition, research is conducted on how different factors (e.g. morbidity, weight, physical activity, reflux and sleep) affect the well-being of the general population.

The overarching aims of the research activities within the group are to

  1. Identify ways to improve the and emotional well-being in patients with diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Demonstrate ways to a better life after surgery for oesophageal cancer by a deeper understanding of experiences of these patients and their families.
  3. Gain a deeper understanding of, and to further develop, the methodology of patient-reported outcome research.

To achieve these goals, are range of methodologies are employed to test the hypotheses, including epidemiological and observational clinical studies. Prospective and nationwide data collections are ongoing and planned.


Study design in clinical research

For more information regarding the course please contact course administrator Kalle Mälberg.

Profile image

Kalle Mälberg

Research Nurse


Research group meetingEvery last Thursday of the month10.30
Workplace meetingEvery last Tuesday of the month10.00
Research seminarEvery other Friday13.00
Journal ClubAccording to specific schedule
Methods ClubAccording to specific schedule

News Surgical Care Science

Cake, chokolate and cider


Large continuation grant from the Sjöberg Foundation

The research group Surgical care science has received a continuation grant from the Sjöberg Foundation for the project RECapp - REcovery after Cancer application - for improved survivorship in oesophageal and gastric cancer patients. A grant of 6 million SEK over 3 years will help the project move forward with good speed. The group is very happy! 2024-01-16

BIG grant from the Swedish Cancer Society

In its strategic investment in clinical treatment studies, the Swedish Cancer Society has granted Pernilla and her research group SEK 15 million over 5 years (2024-2028) for the project "Recovery after Cancer application -Personalized post-treatment support for oesophageal and gastric cancer patients"

- I am speechless, said Pernilla when she received the message by phone from the Swedish Cancer Society. You can read more about the news here: 2024-01-16


Grant from the Cancer Research Funds of Radiumhemmet

The Cancer Research Funds of Radiumhemmet's has awarded our research project "Towards improved survivorship among esophageal cancer patients" 1,200,000 SEK for the next 3 years. This national project aims to find ways towards improved survivorship for patients treated for oesophageal and gastric cancer. This was very gratifying for us!

Pernilla Lagergren and her team has received 2 400 000 SEK funding from the Swedish Research Council

The funding is for three years for the project Personalised post-treatment support for oesophageal and gastric cancer patients using novel technologies. This national project develops a mobile application with and for patients with oesophageal and gastric cancer and healthcare professionals working with these diseases. This is great news for our research group and for the patients involved in this study!

Photo: Marta Lason

Welcome Marta Lason 

At the end of October, our new project manager, Marta Lason, started her work with us. She will lead the work with RECapp development going forward. She comes most recently from Elsa Science and has expert knowledge in the work that lies ahead. Warm welcome Marta!

Congratulations Pernilla on the second World Championship medal in triathlon!

On August 26, our research group leader, Pernilla Lagergren, competed in a triathlon at the IRONMAN 70.3 WC in Lahtis, Finland where she swam 1900m in open water and then biked 90km to finish by running a half marathon of 21km. She became the best Swede in her age group for the second year in a row in this competition.

Pernilla Lagergren World Championship medal in triathlon 2022 and 2023
PhD student and opponent at the dissertation
Zhao Cheng and Opponent Anne May


PhD defence Zhao Cheng

Congratulations to Zhao Cheng for her excellent PhD defence on November 29th 2022.

The opponent was Professor Anne May from Utrecht University. Read Zhao´s thesis here: Outcomes of surgery for oesophageal cancer with focus on fatigue

PhD student and opponent at the dissertation
Cecilia Ringborg and opponent Anna Forsberg

PhD defence Cecilia Ringborg

Congratulations to Cecilia Ringborg for her excellent PhD defence on April 1st 2022.

The opponent was Professor Anna Forsberg, from Lund University. Read Cecilia´s thesis here: The perspective of being a family caregiver of a patient treated for oesophageal cancer : problems and needs

Yangjun Liu and Opponent
Yangjun Liu and Opponent

PhD defence Yangjun Liu 

Congratulations to Yangjun Liu for her excellent PhD defence, which took place on January 21st 2022. The opponent was Professor Lonneke van de Poll, from the Netherlands Cancer Institute. To read Yangjun's thesis follow this link:  Optimism and survivorship after esophageal cancer surgery.

Funding from the Swedish Cancer Society

Pernilla Lagergren received 3.75 million SEK from the Swedish Cancer Society for 2022-2024 for the project “Towards improved survivorship after oesophageal cancer surgery”.