Surgical Care Science research partnership group

For several years, our research group has run a research partner collaboration where we meet patients and relatives 4 times a year. This collaboration aims to create opportunities for patients and relatives to influence the research that is carried out and an opportunity for us as researchers to get feedback on the work we do. Furthermore, the group works with various development projects such as writing information leaflets, arranging conferences and webinars. During our meetings, our discussions may encompass from new research questions, surveys, activities and exchange experiences with each other. We always have an item on the agenda which is a short lecture on a topic that the group itself highlights as important and interesting. The lecture item on the agenda can sometimes be in English, but otherwise all our meetings take place in Swedish. The group consists of about 8 patients and relatives as well as people from our research group.

Do you want to participate in our research partner collaboration?

If you want to know more or register your interest in participating in the research partner group, you can contact Kalle Mälberg who is a research nurse and leads the group.

No previous knowledge is required to participate. We also have the opportunity to put you in touch with our current research partners for questions about how the collaboration works.

Profile image

Kalle Mälberg

Research Nurse

Upcoming activities
