Publications OSCAR study

Home-based physical activity after treatment for esophageal cancer-A randomized controlled trial. Anandavadivelan A, Malberg K, Vikstrom K, Nielsen S, Holdar U, Johar A, Lagergren P. Cancer Med 2023;12(3):3477-3487.

Experiences of being a family caregiver to a patient treated for oesophageal cancer - 1 year after surgery. Ringborg C H, Schandl A, Wengström Y, Lagergren P. Support Care Cancer 2022;30(1):915-921.

Severe reflux and symptoms of anxiety and depression after oesophageal cancer surgery. Lagergren P, Johar A, Liu Y, Ness-Jensen E, Schandl A. Cancer Nurs 2022;45(4):280-286.

Cancer-Related Fatigue After Esophageal Cancer Surgery: Impact of Postoperative Complications. Cheng Z, Johar A, Nilsson M, Lagergren P. Ann Surg Oncol 2022;29(5):2842–2851.

A qualitative study exploring patient’s experiences of oesophageal cancer surgery, through their personal advice to future patients. Nielsen S, Ringborg C H, Schandl A, Lagergren P. Eur J Oncol Nurs 2021;54:101983

Social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic and health-related quality of life among esophageal cancer survivors. Schandl A, Mälberg K, Johar A, Lagergren P. Acta Oncol 2021;60(8):1011-1018.

Prevalence and intensity of dumping symptoms and their association with health-related quality of life following surgery for oesophageal cancer. Anandavadivelan P, Wikman A, Malberg K, Martin L, Rosenlund H, Rueb C, Johar A, Lagergren P. Clin Nutr 2021;40(3):1233-1240.

Impact of comorbidity and risk of reoperation or mortality within 90 days of esophageal cancer surgery. Cheng Z, Johar A, Gottlieb-Vedi E, Nilsson M, Lagergren J, Lagergren P. BJS Open 2021; 5(1): zraa035.

Higher Dispositional Optimism Predicts Better Health-Related Quality of Life After Esophageal Cancer Surgery: A Nationwide Population-Based Longitudinal Study. Liu Y, Pettersson E, Schandl A, Markar S, Johar A, Lagergren P. Ann Surg Oncol 2021;28(12):7196-7205.

Associations in health-related quality of life between patients and family caregivers 1 year after oesophageal cancer surgery. Ringborg C, Cheng Z, Johar A, Schandl A, Lagergren P. Eur J Oncol Nurs (Epub ahead of print) Nov 2022.

Caregiver burden and health-related quality of life among family caregivers of oesophageal cancer patients: a prospective nationwide cohort study. Schandl A, Ringborg C, Mälberg K, Johar A, Lagergren P.  Acta Oncol 2022;61:1186–91.

Minimally invasive surgical techniques for esophageal cancer and nutritional recovery. Kauppila JH, Rosenlund H, Klevebro F, Johar A, Anandavadivelan P, Mälberg K, Lagergren P. BJM Open 2022;12(9):e058763.

Dispositional optimism and all-cause mortality after esophageal cancer surgery: a nationwide population-based cohort study. Liu Y, Pettersson E, Schandl A, Markar S, Johar A, Lagergren P. Supp Care Cancer 2022;30:9461-9.

The weight loss grading system as a predictor of cancer cachexia in oesophageal cancer survivors. Anandavadivelan P, Johar A, Lagergren P. EJCN 2022;76:1755-61.

Body mass index adjusted weight loss grading system and cancer-related fatigue in survivors one year after oesophageal cancer surgery. Cheng Z, Anandavadivelan P, Nilsson M, Johar A, Lagergren P. Ann Surg Oncol 2022;29:4502-10.

Prediction of severe reflux after oesophageal cancer surgery Running head: Reflux after oesophagectomy for cancer. Lagergren P, Johar A, Ness-Jensen E, Schandl A. EJSO 2022;48:1011-1016.

Role of dietitian support in improving weight loss and nutrition impact symptoms after oesophageal cancer surgery. Anandavadivelan P, Wikman A, Mälberg K, Rosenlund H, Johar A, Lagergren P. Eur J Clin Nutr 2021;75(7):1134-1141.

Severe reflux, sleep disturbances and health-related quality of life after oesophageal cancer surgery. Lagergren P, Asif J Rosenlund H, Arnberg L, Haglund L, Ness-Jensen E, Schandl A. J Canc Surviv 2021;15(6):818-824.

Psychological distress and health related quality of life up to two years after oesophageal cancer surgery: a nationwide population-based longitudinal study. Liu Y, Schandl A, Markar S R, Johar A, Lagergren P. BJS Open 2021;5(1)zraa038.  

Prevalence and intensity of dumping symptoms and their association with health-related quality of life following surgery for oesophageal cancer. Anandavadivelan, P, Wikman A, Mälberg K, Martin L, Rosenlund H, Rueb C, Johar A, Lagergren P. Clin Nutr 2021;40(3):1233-1240.

Health-related quality of life following total minimally invasive, hybrid minimally invasive or open oesophagectomy – a population-based cohort study. Klevebro F, Kauppila J, Markar SR, Johar A, Lagergren P. Br J Surg2021;108(6):702–708.

Patient-reported outcomes 1 year after oesophageal cancer surgery.  Schandl A, Johar A, Anandavadivelan P, Vikström K, Mälberg K, Lagergren P. Acta Oncol 2020;59:613-9.

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