The 9th Stockholm Arthroscopy & Rehabilitation Conference - October 12 - 13 2023
"Controversies in sports orthopedics"
We would be very honoured if you will attend our 9th Stockholm Arthroscopy & Rehabilitation Conference, 12-13 October 2023, and listen to and discuss with our top faculty.

Stockholm Sports Trauma Research Center/CIFU at Karolinska Institutet invites you to "The 9th Stockholm Arthroscopy & Rehabilitation Conference".
The theme of the conference this year is "Controversies in sports orthopedics"
Program & speakers
Some of the international speakers:
Camilo Helito- Brazil
Riccardo Gobbi - Brazil
Jonas Bloch Thorlund - Denmark
Umer Butt - UK/Pakistan
Sinead Holden - UK/Denmark
Damir Hudetz - Croatia
Mikkel Beck Klausen - Denmark
From Sweden:
Jan Ekstrand, Per Renström, Erik Hamrin Senorski, Eva Moström, Björn Barenius, Joanna Kvist, Mari Lundberg, Riccardo Cristiani, Björn Engström, Alexander Sandon, Anders Stålman, Karl Eriksson
and more...
Some of the topics:
- Patellofemoral instability
- Controversies in ACL surgery and rehabilitation
- Lateral Extraarticular reconstruction
- ACL reconstruction, on whom, why and when... and what happens then?
- New perspectives on meniscus surgery and rehabiliation.
- Shoulder immobilisation amd rehabiliation after surgery
- Why shouldn´t rehabilitation hurt?
- Free papers
- Ejnar Eriksson lecture
- Football medicine seminar
And of course you will have the opportunity to meet and discuss arthroscopic surgery, rehab and sports medicine with colleagues in the same field.
Capio Artro Clinic/Stockholm Sports Trauma Research Center, close to the Stockholm Olympic Stadium.
Address: Valhallavägen 91
Pricing and Registration
Standard fee:
4000 SEK two days (incl. VAT)
2000 SEK one day (incl. VAT)
Dinner at Thursday 12 October, evening - 200 SEK (incl. VAT)
Special Discounts:
- ISAKOS/ESSKA member, SFAIM member or any member of a Nordic Arthroscopy Association, 20% off the standard fee.
- employees at a FIFA Medical Center, 20% off the standard fee.
(Membership number or any other proof must be provided to benefit from the reduced rates. No reduced rate on the dinner fee)
Registration and payment methods:
Register to
For Swedish participants:
Provide us with your name, e-mail, mobile, name of your clinic, an invoice address (fakturaadress) and any food allergies.
For non-Swedish participants:
Provide us with your name, e-mail, mobile, name of your clinic and any food allergies. You will be registered and we will then give you additional information about how to pay the registration fee.
Last day to register - 18 September
Register now!
Questions and contact: Anna Pappas