Apply for LifeGene data

LifeGene welcomes research applications and request for sample and/or data withdrawals

The LifeGene resource

LifeGene provides access to unique data and biological samples. We have 52,107 participants in our database. More than 95,000 completed questionnaires, physical data and biobank samples from more than 29,500 individuals and extracted DNA from approximately 25,000 participants available to researchers.

Eligibility & Selection Criteria

Applicants must be associated with a university or research institute based in Sweden. Due to the rare and depletable nature of the sample collection all applications for biological samples will be peer reviewed and prioritized on the basis of scientific and technical merit.  Final decision for access to samples and data will be by LifeGenes’ Data Access Commitee.

How to Apply

The application process consists of two steps. The letter of intent is used to check the availability of samples and data and whether the proposed study is eligible for access. All suitable projects will then be invited to submit a full application for review. At that time, we encourage PI´s to apply for funding for their LifeGene research.

The application form and instructions can be found below as well as a description of the questionnaire, physical data and the available samples. The forms for Letters of intent should be sent to:

Information and Instructions

Forms and Agreements

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Annie Agrell