Movement, Activity and Health – Eva Broström's research group

The research group is linked to the Medical Unit for Highly Specialized Pediatric Orthopedics and Pediatric Medicine at Astrid Lindgren Children's Hospital. It has a multidisciplinary composition consisting of physiotherapists, orthopedists, orthopedic engineers, and biomechanical engineers.

Child blows bubbles Photo: N/A

Motor skills, sensory skills and intervention

Cecilia Lidbecks reserach group

The research in the "Motor, Sensory and Intervention" team aims to increase knowledge about factors of importance for sitting, standing and walking in children and young people with disabilities. But also about interventions and how they affect motor skills and movement during childhood.

What we do

ISO certified

The clinical Gait Analysis unit, which is a part of the orthopaedic department, is certified according to ISO 9001 since 2010. The research group Motion and Gait analysis is an integrated part of the ISO 9001 certification.

Our goal is to contribute to and transfer research findings from both clinical and medical areas to physiotherapy, ortopedics and orthotics, as well as other associated clinical fields.

The overall aim is to enhance the management level for both children and adults, in particular, to improve diagnosing, simplify choice of treatment, methods, evaluate treatment outcome and assure high treatment quality in children and adults with motor disorder.

We will take part in exploring and explaining compensatory strategies to find solutions and measures for a high participation level:

  • Development and improvement of biomechanical models with respect to the human movement functions
  • Improve function and reduce secondary problems among the various natural stories
  • Development of assessment tools which measure treatment effects
  • Deepen the knowledge of various factors influence and how they interact, e.g. joint contractures/swelling, spasticity, muscle strength and spatial orientation/navigation
  • Investigate subjective pain and its influence on movement
  • Evaluate effects of medical treatment with respect to walking function

Research projects

  • Function - a biomechanical perspective
  • Motion and walking function in children with motor disorder
  • Goal directed therapy (GDT)
  • Biomechanics of human movement

PhD projects

  • Idiopathic toe-walking (ITW) in children
  • Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita
  • Gait deviations - inflammatory joint diseases
  • Posture in children with bilateral cerebral palsy
  • Hip and knee osteoarthritis
  • Knee arthroplasty - a gender perspective
  • Paediatric femur shaft fractures
  • Ankle injury and deformity
  • Knee function in children


All publications from group members

Staff and contact

Group leader

All members of the group