KI EndoMet
KI EndoMet - The research network for Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes brings together researchers from these important fields of research, where KI holds a strong national and international position. The goal of the network is to stimulate scientific collaboration and transmission of knowledge through an annual retreat.
SRP Diabetes – EndoMet – MetEndo Retreat
EndoMet arranges an annual retreat in the Stockholm area together with the Strategic Research Program in Diabetes (SRP Diabetes) at KI and the MetEndo doctoral program.
The aim of the retreat is to stimulate collaboration between different research groups and serve as a platform for researchers where they can present and discuss their research. By offering junior and senior researchers a physical meeting place that allows them to connect in informal ways, the EndoMet research network can contribute to improved scientific collaboration and transmission of knowledge. It's difficult to replace this type of meeting platform with a digital alternative.
Participating at SRP Diabetes - EndoMet - MetEndo Retreat, researchers are able to gain increased knowledge of locally ongoing scientific projects, methodologies and available infrastructure. Many research groups today tend to prioritize major international congresses, and knowledge of local research activity and methodology is somewhat neglected. That is why a recurring high-quality scientific meeting like this retreat is important.
Who is the retreat for?
The retreat is open to PI:s, researchers, postdocs, students and TA staff involved in the Strategic Research Programme in Diabetes at Karolinska Institutet and Umeå University (SRP Diabetes) and/or the members of the EndoMet research network.
How to become member of EndoMet?
To become a member of the resarch network EndoMet and have the opportunity to participate in the retreat, you need to send an expression of interest to: Lena Emtestam.
SRP Diabetes – EndoMet – MetEndo Retreat celebrates 10 years!
SRP Diabetes - EndoMet - MetEndo Retreat has been arranged for the past ten years, with exception of 2020 when the retreat was canceled due to the pandemic. In November 2021, the 10th anniversary was celebrated at Vår Gård in Saltsjöbaden. With a total of 142 participants, 8 sessions with 31 oral presentations, and 46 posters in two one-hour poster sessions, the retreat was much appreciated!
Read about past and coming retreats at the SRP Diabetes site at