Sweden's CAR T-cell competence network, SWECARNET, is an open network of key representatives in the Swedish CAR T field working towards knowledge exchange and development of standardized processes for CAR T delivery and follow-up. The network is funded by Vinnova and coordinated by Karolinska Institutet with nation-wide representation from university hospitals, industry partners and academia.

About the network
SWECARNET brings together actors and competencies in the Swedish CAR T field, with the goal of implementing gene-modified immune effector cell therapy for patients throughout the country. The network is coordinated by Karolinska Institutet.

SWECARNET partners
Karolinska Institutet, Karolinska University Hospital, Uppsala University, Uppsala University Hospital, Lund University, Skåne University Hospital, University of Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Linköping University, University Hospital in Linköping, University Hospital of Umeå, Lif – The researching pharmaceutical companies, Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS), Novartis Sverige, Janssen Cilag, Gilead Sciences.

CAR T treatments in Sweden
The first CAR T to be manufactured in Sweden (and Europe) was in 2014 and the first Standard of Care use of a commercial CAR T was in 2019. There are now several treatment centres in Sweden and several products have been administered in clinical trial and/or standard of care. SWECARNET collects information direct from treating clinicians to map the use of CAR T in Sweden.

Stephan Mielke explains the progression of cancer treatments from the discovery of 'T bodies' to the cell an gene therapy product CAR T.

Learn more about CAR T and SWECARNET
CAR T therapy has revolutionized cancer care. In simple terms, the treatment involves reprogramming the immune system's T cells (white blood cells) so that they can more effectively identify and destroy tumor cells.

“CAR T-cell therapy is here to stay”
Ten years ago, a cancer patient in Sweden was treated with CAR T-cell therapy for the first time. Today he is cured. Several challenges remain before the treatment can be given to everyone who could benefit from it, and how to achieve this was one of the questions discussed at the annual education day.