Network for Tuberculosis Research
Tuberculosis is one of the most common infectious diseases in the world, and the hope is that the research network will contribute to better diagnostic methods, vaccines and treatments. The aim of the network is to improve collaboration between the departments and strengthen the university's position in the field of TB research, both in Sweden and internationally.
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About the Network for Tuberculosis Research
A number of research groups at KI have a long-standing commitment in TB research. These groups have very different expertise, ranging from molecular studies to epidemiological, social medicine and global health approaches and are located in at least five different departments at KI. The mission of the network is to stimulate and facilitate the interactions between TB researchers at KI.
Blog post about the importance of citizen engagement in policy-making processes
SIM research group member Olivia Biermann is one of the authors of the blog post "Citizens’ voices for better health and social policies" .