EVERNET - KI’s Network for Extracellular Vesicles

EVERNET is an interdisciplinary network centered around Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) within Karolinska Institutet (KI).
EVs, tiny membrane-bound particles secreted by cells, hold immense promise across various scientific disciplines. Our goal is to foster collaboration, address methodological challenges, and explore the clinical potential of EVs.

Network Objectives:

  1. Collaboration Hub: Our envisioned network will serve as a hub for researchers working on EV-related projects.
    By connecting experts from diverse backgrounds, we aim to facilitate knowledge exchange and methodological
  2. Scientific Enrichment: Regular seminars, workshops, and journal clubs will promote in-depth discussions on EV
    biology, isolation techniques, and functional characterization. These activities will enhance researchers’ skills and
    elevate the quality of EV research.
  3. Translational Impact: We recognize the clinical relevance of EVs. Through collaborative efforts, we intend to
    explore their diagnostic and therapeutic applications, ultimately benefiting patients.

Scope and Expertise:

 Our network will bring together scientists with expertise in:

  • Biogenesis and Cargo Sorting: Investigating how EVs are formed and how they package specific cargo.
  • Clinical Applications: Exploring EVs as potential biomarkers and drug delivery vehicles.
  • Bioinformatics: Analyzing EV omics data to uncover novel insights.
  • Nanotechnology: Developing innovative EV-based therapeutic strategies.
  • Advanced Imaging: Visualizing EVs at the nanoscale.

Planned Activities:

  1. Monthly Seminars: Invited speakers will share cutting-edge research, fostering cross-disciplinary dialogue.
  2. Method Workshops: Hands-on sessions will cover EV isolation, characterization, and functional assays.
  3. Annual Retreat: A forum for collaborative planning, brainstorming, and team-building.
  4. Student Engagement: Encouraging student-led initiatives, including journal clubs and collaborative projects.

The Scientific committee

Profile image

André Görgens

Department of Laboratory Medicine
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Erdinc Sezgin

Assistant Professor
Content reviewer: