Cecilia Morgantini

Cecilia Morgantini

Affiliated to Research
Visiting address: C2:94, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset Huddinge, 14186 Stockholm
Postal address: H7 Medicin, Huddinge, H7 Endokrinologi och diabetes Parini, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • After the medical doctor degree, I started my professional career with a
    medical training in Internal Medicine followed by a PhD in clinical
    physiology focused on lipid metabolism in diabetes and atherosclerosis. Then,
    driven by the idea to understand more about the molecular mechanism behind
    metabolic disorders I worked as a post-doctoral fellow at KI, studying the
    interaction between immune and metabolic cells in insulin resistance and
    fatty liver.
    Now I am a staff physician in the Endocrinology Department of Karolinska
    University Hospital and researcher at the Karolinska Institutet. From
    January 2020, I hold a Clinical Scientist position supported by region
    Stockholm. From 2021 I am team leader in the Cardio Metabolic Unit of the
    Endocrinology Division.
    *Post-doctoral fellow *at ICMC, MedH, Karolinska Institutet, lab of Myriam
    Aouadi (2015-2020)
    *Ph.D.* in Clinical Physiology Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa,
    Italy/ Banting and Best Diabetes Center, University of Toronto,
    Canada (2011-2014)
    *Clinical Fellow*, Internal Medicine, University of Pisa, Italy (2006-2010)
    *MD* School of Medicine, University of Pisa, Italy (1999-2005)


  • My main research interest is to understand the role of immune cell activation
    in the pathogenesis of diabetes complications and cardio-metabolic
    disorders. By combining analysis on human immune cell epigenome and
    transcriptome with clinical and diagnostic information, I aim to identify
    pattern that can help to determine human individual risk of developing
    cardio-metabolic complications, detect illness earlier and, find the most
    effective intervention to improve patient health.


  • - Organizer of PhD Course - Lipid and Lipoprotein Metabolism: Basal Aspects
    and Clinical Significance
    - Co-supervisor, PhD student KI, Jennifer Härdfeldt (2019- present ), Main
    supervisor, master student KI, Laura Catharina (2018), Co-supervisor, master
    student KI, Arlisa Alisjahban (2017), Main supervisor, master student UCLA,
    Marion Benquet (2010), Main supervisor, Medical Student Pisa University
    Hospital, Silvia Trifiro'(2009).
    - Half-time review committee member at KI Natalie Stiglund (2019), Stelia
    Ntika (2020).


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