ASSIST- a reablement program with ICT support

This research project aims to develop new knowledge regarding reablement and the use of technology in home care for older adults and provided by home care staff. Furthermore, we aim to assess the implementation process of a tailored reablement service and how it influences the older adults who receives it.

An important aspect for healthy ageing is to be active, have autonomy and participate in everyday life. Home care services in Sweden are not constructed to enable these aspects for older adults, which could lead to restrictions in the opportunity to make decisions and in the performance of everyday activities.

International research has provided new knowledge regarding the benefits of reablement, where older adults increase the amount of everyday activities and perceive a higher quality of life. Studies also shows an improvement of the home care staffs’ health as well as social economic benefits for the society. In Sweden, reablement is relatively known but the implementation has been slow and ineffective. A lot needs to be done to develop working conditions and to successfully implement reablement within the social and health care sectors. One important aspect is to investigate the prerequisites for the implementation and how it shall be organised.

This project is ongoing between 2018-2022 and includes an intervention study where we followed older adults who were discharged from the hospital and granted home care service in two municipalities in Stockholm county. To get more insight in how the study is constructed, please find the study protocol below.

Research leader

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Susanne Guidetti

Professor/Occupational Therapist


Aileen Bergström


Susanne Assander


National Research School in Care Science

FORTE (Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare)


Assander, S., Guidetti, S., & Bergström, A.  Internationell forskning driver vardagsrehabilitering framåt – dags för nya tag i Sverige. 2020. Tidningen Ä. Through this link you can find References for the article. [The article is not availabe online. To gain access to it you can get in contact with the publiching company.]

Bergström A, Borell L, Meijer S, & Guidetti S. (2019). Evaluation of an intervention addressing a reablement programme for older, community-dwelling persons in Sweden (ASSIST 1.0): a protocol for a feasibility study. BMJ Open.

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