Health promotion and healthy lifestyle research

Our research group are responsible for or involved in several health promotion and lifestyle research projects.

Hazardous alcohol use in hypertensive patients in routine primary care - prevalence and methods for detection (2021-2024)

In a series of studies we aim to explore barriers and facilitators experienced by general practitioners and patients in relation to two recommended methods. In addition, we also will describe how common hazardous alcohol use is in a primary care population in different groups with hypertension. The project also seeks to create conclusive evidence on the issue whether the PEth method for alcohol detection is superior to the AUDIT questionnaire in a primary care setting.

Funded by: Forte.

Principal investigator

Profile image

Maria Hagströmer

Professor/Physical Therapist

Project members

Johanna Adami, professor, Sophiahemmet University
Jan Hasselström, PhD
Lena Lund, PhD
Åsa Thurfjell, PhD student

Make My Day (2021-2024)

The objective of the Make My Day project is to implement and evaluate a team-based and inter-professional, prevention program (Make MyDay), supported by a mobile phone application for people at risk for stroke in Primary Health Car, using a mixed methods approach.

Funded by: Forte

Principal investigator

Ann-Helen Patomella, docent, NVS, Division of Occupational Therapy

Project members from our group

Maria Hagströmer, professor

Sophia step study - support for physical activity in prediabetes and type 2 diabetes

The Sophia Step Study aims to evaluate the effects of step counters and a digital platform as tools for self-management of physical activity in people with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.

Funded by: King Gustaf V and Queen Drottning Victoria’s Order of Freemasons Research Foundation, The Sibling Svenssons’s Foundation for Medical Research, The Swedish diabetes Foundation, Skandia, Sophiahemmet foundation and Vårdalsstiftelsen.

Principal investigator

Unn-Britt Johansson, professor, Sophiahemmet University

Project members from our group

Maria Hagströmer, professor
Jenny Rossen, PhD, Sophiahemmet University 

Longlife Active- an individually tailored digital service to promote healthy and sustainable behaviors supported by AI

This project aims to collaboratively develop a web-based service for personalized support for behavior change based on artificial intelligence, health coaching and social support, and to evaluate the implementation, behavior change outcomes and well-being.

Principal investigator

Unn-Britt Johansson, professor, Sophiahemmet University

Project members from our group

Maria Hagströmer, professor
Adina König, PhD student
Callum Regan, PhD student
Philip von Rosen, docent
Jenny Rossen, associate professor, Sophiahemmet University 

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