The ABC study (Attitude, Behavior and Change)
The Attitude, Behavior and Change study (ABC) is a cross-sectional and longitudinal research project on health behaviors with data collection by questionnaire and physical activity monitoring.

The study includes a random sample of around 1 500 adults, 18-74 years, selected from the Swedish population register, with data collected in 2001/2002 and 2007/2008. A 15 year follow up on mortality and morbidity has recently been published.
The study was originally initiated by Associate professor Michael Sjöström at the Department of Biosciences and Nutrition, Karolinska Institutet and is now a collaborative project between the two departments.
For the first time, physical activity and sedentary behavior was measured using objective methodology, giving results that is thought provoking. The findings from this project have revealed both international and national publicity. We have for example been invited to present at conferences and symposium. The methodology used has been set as a standard for assessment of physical activity levels in the European Union (the ALPHA project). The Swedish news Rapport and Vetenskapens värld have reported from the study.
This project is currently funded by Folksam.