Kontakt NASP

Besöksadress: Granits väg 4, KI Campus Solna

Postadress: NASP, Karolinska Institutet, 171 77 Stockholm

Post som skickas till en medarbetare vid NASP ska alltid adresseras på följande vis: 
Att: Förnamn Efternamn
Karolinska Institutet
171 77 Stockholm

Leveransadress: Granits väg 4, 171 65 Solna

E-post: nasp[at]ki.se

Telefon: Direktnummer eller via växel 08-524 800 00

Personal vid NASP

Klicka på respektive medarbetare för att få fram mer information och kontaktuppgifter. 

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Vladimir Carli

Senior Lecturer/Senior Physician
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Gergö Hadlaczky

Adjunct Lecturer
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Marcus Sokolowski

Adjunct Lecturer
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Britta Alin Åkerman

Affiliated to Research
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Eva Wasserman

Affiliated to Research
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Beatrice Johansson

Affiliated to Research
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Inga-Lill Ramberg

Affiliated to Research
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Anna Johansson

Affiliated to Research
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David Titelman

Affiliated to Research
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Johan Andreen

Affiliated to Research

Linda Karlsson

Affiliated to Research

Tereza Vitcheva

Project Coordinator

Janek Szklarzewicz

Affiliated to Research

Oliver Bartsch

Project Manager

Anne Stefenson

Affiliated to Research

Pietro Gambadauro

Affiliated to Research
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Bianca Blazevska

Affiliated to Research
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Nova Borg

Affiliated to Research

Hanna Nilsson

Affiliated to Research
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Niklas Andersson

Affiliated to Research
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Nuhamin Gebrewold Petros

Project Coordinator

Daniel Frydman

Joakim Westerlund

Affiliated to Research
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Johan Fredin

Phd Student

Miriam Iosue

Research Assistant
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Maria Sundvall

Affiliated to Research
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Elisa Vigna

Research Assistant
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Gabriella Jansson

Research Assistant

Elisabeth Throbäck

Affiliated to Research
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Sara Sutori

Research Assistant
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Leticia Okabayashi

Affiliated to Research
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Theresa Lemke

Affiliated to Research
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Anna-Lena Andersson

Project Coordinator
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Emma Eliasson

Postdoctoral Researcher

Karen Oquin

Phd Student
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Ulrika Lögdberg

Postdoctoral Researcher

Charli Eriksson

Senior Research Specialist

Fanny Wandel

Affiliated to Research

Kursen Youth Aware of Mental health (YAM) i Stockholm

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Anna Johansson

Affiliated to Research
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Niklas Andersson

Affiliated to Research

Kursen Första hjälpen till psykisk hälsa (MHFA) 

Oliver Bartsch


Kursen Aktion Livräddning

Kursen Akut omhändertagande av självmordsnära person (AOSP)

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Britta Alin Åkerman

Affiliated to Research

Conny Söderberg

Bidrag till NASP:s forskning

Stiftelseansvarig, Karolinska Institutet: Tove Älvemark, tove.alvemark@ki.se, 08-524 867 07

Läs mer om gåvor till Karolinska Institutet