Sebastian Hökby

Sebastian Hökby

Phd Student
Visiting address: Granits väg 4, 17177 Solna
Postal address: C7 Lärande, Informatik, Management och Etik, C7 NASP Carli, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I have been involved in suicide-related research since 2011, at the National Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention (NASP), Solna campus. Since then, I have led projects at NASP/CHIS which are related to our aims to examine and report epidemiological findings and patterns in suicide rates, suicide prevention-related evidence-based recommendations, and expedite public health-related reports and communications. I am affiliated to the department of LIME, KI (Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics, Karolinska Institutet), and to CHIS, SLSO (Centre for Informatics, Health economics, and Health Services Research, Region Stockholm). I have a background in experimental psychology (BSc., MSc., Psych.). But like my suicide research, my doctoral project about Screen Time focuses on medical aspects relevant to public health sciences.

    My doctoral project can be summarized as 'Screen Time Effects on Adolescent Mental health' (STEAM) (SV. 'Skärmtidseffekter på unga personers psykiska hälsa'). I primarily look at how adolescents' screen time increases their longitudinal progression of depressive symptom, and to some extent suicidal thoughts and anxiety. I focus on two aspects which seem to buffer such screen time effects, namely Coping behaviors and Sleep habits. Within the STEAM project, I utilize research data collected within two previous cluster randomized trials: the YAM and SUPREME trial.

    My office is located at Granits väg 4, Solna (entrence floor).


  • Suicidology, Psychological medicine, Screen time, Digital behaviors, Depression, Adolescence, Psychometrics, Public health, Cognitive biases, Longitudinal statistics


  • I occationally teach statistics at the department of psychology, Stockholm University, with my co-supervisor Joakim Westerlund. Together with my main supervisor, Gergö Hadlaczky, and my co-supervisors, I sporadically co-supervise students writing their BSc. or MSc. theses within the field of public health-related psychological medicine. I sometimes give guest lectures to other universities or public units. I sometimes organize journal clubs at NASP.

Selected publications


All other publications

  • Report: STEAM REPORT SERIES. 2024;:1-4
    Social media may increase girls’ anxiety levels by decreasing their self-esteem
    Hökby S
  • Report: FAKTABLAD. 2023;:1-2
    Lack of sleep can be linked to depression and suicidal thoughts among young people
    Lemke T
  • Report: STEAM REPORT SERIES. 2023;:1-2
    Sämre psykisk hälsa bland unga när skärmtid försämrar stresshantering
    Hökby S
  • Report: NASP REPORTS. 2022;:3-12
    Den psykiska hälsan bland 10 299 högstadieelever i Stockholms län: Tvärsnittsanalyser av enkätdata (2016-2019)
    Hökby S
  • Conference publication: EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY. 2014;29:1
    Carli V; Hadlaczky G; Hökby S; Sarchiapone M; Wasserman D
  • Conference publication: EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY. 2014;29
    Carli V; Hadlaczky G; Hokby S; Sarchiapone M; Wasserman D


  • Phd Student, Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics, Karolinska Institutet, 2023-2026

Degrees and Education

  • MSc. Psychology, Deparment of Psychology, Stockholm University, 2024
  • BSc. Psychology, Psychology, Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, 2024

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