Anna-Lena Andersson
Affiliated to Research
Visiting address: Granits väg 4, 17177 Solna
Postal address: C7 Lärande, Informatik, Management och Etik, C7 NASP Carli, 171 77 Stockholm
About me
- I am a licensed Health & Healthcare Therapist and I have worked clinically for many years with patients, relatives, healthcare staff and blue light staff in emergency healthcare. The work included emergency duty outside office hours in connection with traumatic and difficult, unexpected, acute events, such as suicides, accidents, violence-related events and serious illness. The work contained partly crisis processing and supportive conversations, partly social legal information. During this period, I also worked for 10 years as unit manager for curatorial activities. In connection with work management, I also had the opportunity to work with patient work to some extent.
Psychosocial Factors and Traffic Injuries - with special emphasis on consequences, risk factors for complications, influence of alcohol and benefits of intervention was the title of my medical doctoral thesis, submitted at the Department of Orthopaedics, Sahlgrenska Academy.
During the period 2015 - 2023, I worked as a Special Advisor in road safety and suicide prevention in the transport system at the Swedish Transport Administration. A large part of the work consisted of developing, together with a working group, methods for suicide classification of deaths in road traffic and on railways. Likewise, to produce evidence for suicide by bridges. The work with "accident investigations" and doing psychosocial investigations provided valuable knowledge about suicidality.
In 2020, the "Transport group" was formed at NASP in connection with the Swedish Transport Administration granting funds to the project Suicide in the transport system, and since then I have been research affiliated with NASP, KI. Since 2023, I have been a part-time employee at NASP, KI and am also a consultant as a senior expert in the area of suicide in the transport system.
Important collaboration partners through professional and research life have been blue-light authorities, municipalities, the National Board of Forensic Medicine, the Cause of Death Register, MSB, the Swedish Transport Agency, the Traffic Analyses, psychiatry and others.
Today, in addition to research, I get the opportunity to lecture to municipalities, regions, authorities and organizations regarding increasing knowledge in the large and complex area of suicide prevention. Also acts as an advisor in connection with the design and planning of suicide protection on bridges.
- Suicide prevention in the transport system and psychosocial factors that affect suicide and accidents. Limitation of methods through measures in physical environment.
Scientific production, original articles - last 5 (out of a total of 12)
1. J Fredén Knutzen, G Hadlaczky, A L Andersson, M Sokolowski. 2022. A pilot study evaluating the effectiveness of preventing railway suicides by mid-track fencing, which restrict easy access to high-speed train. J Safety Res, Dec; 83:232-237.
2. Andersson A-L and Sokolowski M. 2022. Accident or suicide? Improvement in the classification of suicides among road traffic fatalities in Sweden by extended psychosocial investigations, during the years 2010-2019. J Safety Res, Feb; 80:39-45.
3. Olofsson E, Bunketorp O, Andersson A L. 2012. Trafikskadade barn och ungdomar riskerar kvarstående psykiska och psykosociala problem - möjliga riskfaktorer. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift 2012;6:500-12.
4. Olofsson E, Bunketorp O, Andersson A L. 2012. Children at risk of residual physical problems after public road traffic injuries – a one-year follow-up study. Injury 2012;43:84-90.
5. Olofsson E, Bunketorp O, Andersson A L. 2009. Children and adolescents injured in traffic - associated psychological consequences: a literature review. Acta Paediatr 2009;98:17-22.
6. Andersson A-L, Dahlbäck L-O, Bunketorp O. 2005. Psychosocial aspects of road traffic trauma – benefits of an early intervention? Injury 2005:36(8):917-26.
Scientific production, review articles, reports and chapters in text-books
1. J Fredin-Knutzén, A L Andersson, G Hadlaczky, M Sokolowski. 2023.Suicid vid broar i Sverige. Nationellt Centrum för Suicidforskning och Prevention, Region Stockholm och Karolinska Institutet.
2. A L Andersson, M Riesenfeld, J Fredén Knutzen, G Hadlaczky, M Sokolowski. 2022. Skadehändelser från broar i Sverige år 2008–2020 samt metod för framtagande av underlag. Rapport i samarbete mellan Trafikverket, Rättsmedicinalverket, Nationellt Centrum för suicidforskning och prevention, Region Stockholm och Karolinska Institutet och Region Stockholm.
3. A L Andersson A-L, Svensson K. 2022. In the Vision Zero Handbook. Suicide in the Transport System. Springer Nature.
4. J Fredén Knutzen, G Hadlaczky, A L Andersson, M Sokolowski. 2020. Förstudie Suicid i transportsystemet. Stockholm: Nationellt Centrum för suicidforskning och prevention, Region Stockholm och Karolinska Institutet. Rapport 2020:01.
5. Liljegren E, Fagerlind H, Hagström L, Martinsson J, Viström M, Sander U, Andersson A-L, Bunketorp O, Lökensgård B, Wrige A, Östlund M. 2010. Methodology development for advanced accident investigations – INTACT. Vehicle and Traffic Safety Centre at Chalmers.…
- 2024: Theme day & the railway safety conference, Swedish Transport Agency 2023. Oral presentation Suicide and suicide prevention, Västerås.
Oral presentation Suicide in the transport system. National Suicide Prevention Conference, Östersund.
2023: Suicide prevention at bridges in Sweden, 2008-2021. Oral presentation at the International Association for Suicide Prevention, IASP 32nd World Congress, Piran, Slovenia.
2022: Suicide in the transport system. Oral presentation, 7th Int. Conf. on Traffic and Psychology, Gothenburg.
2021: Digital presentation. Suicid prevention i transportsystemet. Suicidpreventiva dagen, Folkhälsomyndigheten, NASP, Socialstyrelsen
2021: Trafik- och Gatudagarna, Suicidprevention i transportsystemet med inriktning broar. Trafikverket.
2019: Suicide in road traffic – psychosocial factors must be used in the method of classification, poster presentation, Suicide in the transport system in Sweden, oral presentation, 30th World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention, Londonderry, Northern Ireland
2018: Suicide in the transport system in Sweden, poster presentation. 13th World Conference on Injury and Safety Promotion, Bangkok, Thailand.
2017: Oral presentation. Suicide in the transport system. 11th National Suicide Prevention Conference in Sweden.
2017: Suicide classification in road traffic accident recording – an important part of intervention in Sweden, Oral presentation. The Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety, London, UK
2015: Oral presentation & poster. Fatalities in road traffic; a result of accidents or suicides? The 17th RS5C, Road Safety on Five Continents, Rio de Janerio, Brasil.
2015: Certificate of the best oral presentation at the International Traffic Medicine Association 2015 Congress in Doha, Qatar.
2000: Oral presentation. Cycling and alcohol. 17th World Congress of the International Traffic Medicine Association, Stockholm.
- Affiliated to Research, Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics, Karolinska Institutet, 2025-2027
- Project Coordinator, Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics, Karolinska Institutet, 2023-2024