Efter ditt deltagande i forskningsstudien: "Fysisk kapacitet och hälsa" får du ta del av dina resultat från undersökningen

Vi erbjuder dig ett uppföljningssamtal där du får möjlighet att diskutera din hälsa, fysiska aktivitet och matvanor i relation till ditt resultat.
Om någon undersökning visar onormala fynd kommer du kontaktas av ansvarig läkare och vid behov remitteras till lämplig vård.
Ditt deltagande har redan nu gett upphov till ett antal vetenskapliga publikationer och tre doktorsavhandlingar.
Avhandlingar och publikationer
Physical activity and fitness among adolescents [sic] in Sweden with a 20-year trend perspective
Skeletal muscle fibre types, physical performance, physical activity and attitude to physical activity in women and men. A follow-up from age 16 to 27.
Glenmark B
Acta Physiol Scand Suppl 1994 ;623():1-47
Relationships between physical activity and physical capacity in adolescent females and bone mass in adulthood.
Barnekow-Bergkvist M, Hedberg G, Pettersson U, Lorentzon R
Scand J Med Sci Sports 2006 Dec;16(6):447-55
Secular trends in sports: participation and attitudes among adolescents in Sweden from 1974 to 1995.
Westerståhl M, Barnekow-Bergkvist M, Hedberg G, Jansson E
Acta Paediatr 2003 May;92(5):602-9
Secular trends in body dimensions and physical fitness among adolescents in Sweden from 1974 to 1995.
Westerstahl M, Barnekow-Bergkvist M, Hedberg G, Jansson E
Scand J Med Sci Sports 2003 Apr;13(2):128-37
Low physical activity among adolescents in practical education.
Westerståhl M, Barnekow-Bergkvist M, Jansson E
Scand J Med Sci Sports 2005 Oct;15(5):287-97
Longitudinal changes in physical capacity from adolescence to middle age in men and women.
Westerståhl M, Jansson E, Barnekow-Bergkvist M, Aasa U
Sci Rep 2018 10;8(1):14767
The Swedish physical activity and fitness cohort born in 1958 - dropout analysis and overview at 36-year follow-up.
Aasa U, Lundell S, Barnekow-Bergkvist M, Jansson E, Westerståhl M
Scand J Med Sci Sports 2017 Apr;27(4):418-429
Longitudinal study exploring factors associated with neck/shoulder pain at 52 years of age.
Hesselman Borg J, Westerståhl M, Lundell S, Madison G, Aasa U
J Pain Res 2016 ;9():303-10
Physical Activity Might Be of Greater Importance for Good Spinal Control Than If You Have Had Pain or Not: A Longitudinal Study.
Aasa U, Lundell S, Aasa B, Westerståhl M
Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 2015 Dec;40(24):1926-33
Relationships between physical activity and physical capacity in adolescent females and bone mass in adulthood.
Barnekow-Bergkvist M, Hedberg G, Pettersson U, Lorentzon R
Scand J Med Sci Sports 2006 Dec;16(6):447-55
Changes in muscle fibre type from adolescence to adulthood in women and men.
Glenmark B, Hedberg G, Jansson E
Acta Physiol Scand 1992 Oct;146(2):251-9
Running capacity from adolescence to adulthood. Relationship to physical characteristics.
Glenmark B, Hedberg G, Jansson E
Int J Sports Med 1993 Apr;14(3):118-23
Muscle strength from adolescence to adulthood--relationship to muscle fibre types.
Glenmark B, Hedberg G, Kaijser L, Jansson E
Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol 1994 ;68(1):9-19
Prediction of physical activity level in adulthood by physical characteristics, physical performance and physical activity in adolescence: an 11-year follow-up study.
Glenmark B, Hedberg G, Jansson E
Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol 1994 ;69(6):530-8
Adolescent determinants of cardiovascular risk factors in adult men and women.
Barnekow-Bergkvist M, Hedberg G, Janlert U, Jansson E
Scand J Public Health 2001 Sep;29(3):208-17
Physical activity pattern in men and women at the ages of 16 and 34 and development of physical activity from adolescence to adulthood.
Barnekow-Bergkvist M, Hedberg G, Janlert U, Jansson E
Scand J Med Sci Sports 1996 Dec;6(6):359-70
Development of muscular endurance and strength from adolescence to adulthood and level of physical capacity in men and women at the age of 34 years.
Barnekow-Bergkvist M, Hedberg G, Janlert U, Jansson E
Scand J Med Sci Sports 1996 Jun;6(3):145-55
Determinants of self-reported neck-shoulder and low back symptoms in a general population.
Barnekow-Bergkvist M, Hedberg GE, Janlert U, Jansson E
Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 1998 Jan;23(2):235-43
Prediction of physical fitness and physical activity level in adulthood by physical performance and physical activity in adolescence--an 18-year follow-up study.
Barnekow-Bergkvist M, Hedberg G, Janlert U, Jansson E
Scand J Med Sci Sports 1998 Oct;8(5 Pt 1):299-308
Artikel: Hälsoresan till medelåldern

Artikel: Hälsoresan till medelåldern
Artikel från Svensk idrottsforskning:
"Vad är viktigast för att få en god hälsa som vuxen? Sedan 1974 har vi följt samma personer från 16 års ålder in i medelåldern och studerat deras hälsa från flera olika synvinklar. Nu pågår den tredje mätomgången."