Research presentations on fat tissue

Meet our researchers who studies the importance of fat tissue in metabolic disorders such as diabetes. Filmed interviews and short laymen presentations. NOTE: some filmed interviews only in Swedish.

Interview with Peter Arner

Peter's research is about the importance of adipose tissue for occurrence of type 2 diabetes, interview in Swedish. (Interview by Kerstin Brismar).

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Peter Arner

Affiliated to Research

Interview with Ingrid Dahlman

Ingrid studies how genes control occurrence of abdominal obesity and type 2 diabetes, interview in Swedish. Interviewed by Kerstin Brismar.

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Ingrid Dahlman

Adjunct Professor

Interview with Carsten Daub

Carsten utilizes bioinformatics to understand how different tissues respond to insulin. Interviewed by Kerstin Brismar.

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Carsten Daub

Principal Researcher

Interview with Mikael Rydén

Mikael's research is about the importance of adipose tissue for development of metabolic diseases including type 2 diabetes, interview in Swedish by Kerstin Brismar.

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Mikael Ryden

Professor/Senior Physician

Interview with Kirsty Spalding

Kirsty studies how fat tissue contribute to diseases such as metabolic diseases. Interviewed by Kerstin Brismar.

Stefan Nobel