Erdinc Sezgin

Erdinc Sezgin

Senior Lecturer | Docent
Telephone: +46852486021
Visiting address: SciLifeLab, Tomtebodavägen 23A, 17165 Solna
Postal address: K6 Kvinnors och barns hälsa, K6 Klinisk pediatrik Sezgin, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I am a biophysicist eager to understand biology by using the power of physics and chemistry. We cheer for curiosity-driven research, open science, public science communication and equity, inclusion and diversity in science.

    Brief CV

    • 2025-present: EMBO Young Investigator
    • 2025-present: Associate Professor, SciLifeLab, Karolinska Institutet
    • 2023-present Docent in Cell and Molecular Biology
    • 2020-2024 Assistant Professor, SciLifeLab, Karolinska Institutet
    • 2014-2019 Postdoctoral Scientist, University of Oxford
    • 2013-2014 Postdoctoral Scientist, Max Planck Institute of Cell Biology and Genetics
    • 2010-2013 PhD, International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS), Dresden International PhD Program (DIPP)
    • 2004-2009 BSc, Yeditepe University, Department of Genetics and Bioengineering

      Awards and Grants
    • Elected EMBO Young Investigator
    • Biophysical Society Early Career Award, 2024
    • KI Consolidator Faculty Funding, 2024-2028
    • Swedish Research Council Project Funding, 2025-2030
    • EU Horizon Funding, 2025-2030
    • Wellcome Leap Dynamic Resilience Program Grant, 2023-2025
    • Human Frontiers Science Program Grant, 2023-2025
    • Swedish Research Council Starting Grant, 2021-2025
    • SciLifeLab Fellowship, 2020-2026
    • Wellcome Trust ISSF Grant, 2019-2020
    • British Council Newton Fellowship, 2018-2020
    • Equality and Diversity in Science Award (WIMM Oxford), 2019
    • Excellence Award (RDM Oxford), 2016 and 2018 (Twice)
    • Oxford Public Engagement Award, 2016
    • Marie Curie Intra-European Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2015-2017
    • EMBO Long Term Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2014-2015


  • We aim to understand how physics of cells changes in diseases and whether we can use physical properties of cells to restore cellular health.

    Key publications:
    Please see Erdinc's Google Scholar [1] for full publication list.

    1. T. Sych, J. Schlegel, H.M.G Barriga, M. Ojansivu, L. Hanke, F. Weber, R. B.
    Bostancioglu, K. Ezzat, H. Stangl, B. Plochberger, J. Laurencikiene, S. El
    Andaloussi, D. Furth, M. M. Stevens, E. Sezgin, [2]Single particle
    profiler for measuring content and properties of nano-sized bioparticles [3]
    /Nature Biotechnology, */ /*(2023).
    NEWS ARTICLE at Phys.Org [5]
    NEWS ARTICLE at EurekAlert [6] /

    2. J. Schlegel, B. Porebski, L. Andronico, L. Hanke, S. Edwards, H. Brismar, B.
    Murrell, G. McInerney, O. Fernandez-Capetillo, E. Sezgin, A
    Multi-Parametric and High-Throughput Platform for Host-Virus Binding Screens
    [7]*/ /*/Nano Letters, / (2023)​​​​​

    3. D. Cikes, K. Elsayad, E. Sezgin, E. Koitai, T. Ferenc, M. Orthofer, R.
    Yarwood, L. X. Heinz, V. Sedlyarov, N. D. Miranda, A. Taylor, S. Grapentine,
    F. al-Murshedi, A. Abott, A. Weidinger, C. Kutchukian, C. Sanchez, S. J.F.
    Cronin, M. Novatchkova, A. Kavirayani, T. Schuetz, Bernhard Haubner, L. Haas,
    A. Hagelkruys, S. Jackowski, A. Kozlov, V. Jacquemond, C. Knauf, G.
    Superti-Furga, E. Rullman, T. Gustafsson, J. McDermot, M. Lowe, Z. Radak, J.
    S. Chamberlain, M. Bakovic, S. Banka, J.M. Penninger, PCYT2 controls muscle
    health and muscle aging [8], /Nature Metabolism, /*/ /*5(3):495-515,

    4. C. O. Gurdap, L. Wedemann, T. Sych, E Sezgin, The influence of the
    extracellular domains on the dynamic behavior of membrane proteins
    /Biophysical Journal, / (2022)​​​​​

    5. F. Ragaller, L. Andronico, J. Sykora, W. Kulig, T. Rog, Y.B. Urem, Abhinav,
    D.I. Danylchuk, M. Hof, A. Klymchenko, M. Amaro, I. Vattulainen, E.
    Sezgin, Dissecting the mechanisms of environment sensitivity of smart probes
    for quantitative assessment of membrane properties /Open Biology, / 12: 220175

    6. I. A. Rota, A. E. Handel, F. Klein, S. Maio, F. Dhalla, M. E. Deadman, S.
    Cheuk, J. A. Newman, Y. S. Michaels, S. Zuklys, N. Prevot, P. Hublitz, P. D
    Charles, A. Soragia Gkazi, E. Adamopoulou, W. Qasim, E.G. Davies, C. Hanson,
    A. T. Pagnamenta, C. Camps, H. M. Dreau, A. White, K. James, R. Fischer, .O.
    Gileadi, J. C. Taylor, T. Fulga, B.C. Lagerholm, G. Anderson, E. Sezgin, G.
    A. Hollander A FOXN1 mutation competitively displaces wild-type FOXN1 from
    higher order nuclear condensates to cause immunodeficiency. [9] /Science
    Advances, /*/ /*(2021)​​​​​

    7. Barbotin A, Urbancic I, Galiani S, Eggeling C, Booth M, Sezgin E, z-STED
    imaging and spectroscopy to investigate nanoscale membrane structure and
    dynamics, /Biophysical Journal/, (2020)​​​​​

    8. Sezgin E, Schneider F, Galiani S, Urbančič I, Waithe D, Lagerholm BC,
    Eggeling C. Measuring nanoscale diffusion dynamics in cellular membranes with
    super-resolution STED-FCS. /Nature Protocols/, 14(4), 1054-1083, (2019)

    9. Jenkins E, Santos AM, O'Brien-Ball C, Felce JH, Wilcock MJ, Hatherley D,
    Dustin ML, Davis SJ, Eggeling C, Sezgin E. Reconstitution of immune cell
    interactions in free-standing membranes. /Journal of Cell Science/, 132(4),

    10. Felce JH*, Sezgin E*, Wane M, Brouwer H, Dustin ML, Eggeling C, Davis SJ.
    CD45 exclusion- and cross-linking-based receptor signaling together broaden
    FcεRI reactivity. /Science Signalling/, 11(561), (2018)

    11. Sezgin E, Levental I, Mayor S, Eggeling C. The mystery of membrane
    organization: composition, regulation and roles of lipid rafts /Nature
    Reviews Molecular Cell Biology/, (2017)

    12. Schneider F, Waithe D, Clausen MP, Galiani S, Koller T, Ozhan G, Eggeling C,
    Sezgin E. Diffusion of lipids and GPI-anchored proteins in actin-free plasma
    membrane vesicles measured by STED-FCS. /Molecular Biology of the Cell/,



  • * 2021-present: KTH Advanced Imaging Course
    * 2015-present: University of Oxford, Cellular Imaging Course for MSc
    Immunology students
    * 2015-2019: University of Oxford, Methods and Techniques Course for PhD
    * 2016-2019: Heidelberg, Germany, EMBO Super-resolution Microscopy Workshop


All other publications



  • Senior Lecturer, Department of Women's and Children's Health, Karolinska Institutet, 2025-
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Women's and Children's Health, Karolinska Institutet, 2021-2025

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, Karolinska Institutet, 2023

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