AutNetKI Steering Committee

The steering committee for AutNet-KI meets at least twice a semester to discuss the activities and events to be organized within the network.

The network is chaired by Kristiina Tammimies and co-chaired by Mark Taylor, supported by a steering committee comprising representatives from the participating departments. The steering committee consists of network members representing each KI department involved.

Chair of the steering committee

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Kristiina Tammimies

Principal Researcher
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Mark Taylor

Principal Researcher

Steering group members

Emanuela Santini

Principal Researcher
Department of Neuroscience
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Anna-Clara Hollander

Principal Researcher
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Arvid Guterstam

Assistant Professor

Charlotte Willfors

Postdoctoral Studies
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Michael Ratz

Senior Research Specialist

Peter Swoboda

Principal Researcher
Department of Medicine, Huddinge
Content reviewer:
Una Prosell