Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
At the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (MEB) we focus on research and teaching within the fields of epidemiology and biostatistics. We host KI Biobank and the Swedish Twin Registry and give courses at both under- and postgraduate levels and are responsible for education within the psychology and medical program. Our research aims to increase knowledge about the causes of disease and encompasses clinical, molecular and genetic research as well as biostatistical methodology.
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Core Facilities and Research Areas

KI Biobank
KI Biobank is a modern and high-tech infrastructure for pre-analytical handling, storage and distribution of human biological samples. It's a core facility at KI and is housed at MEB.

The Swedish Twin Registry
The Swedish Twin Registry is the largest of its kind and is based at Karolinska Institutet. The Registry was established in the 1960s and contains information about some 87 000 twin pairs.

MEB biostatistics comprises around 40 staff. In addition to four professors of biostatistics, it contains biostatisticians at all levels of the academic career ladder, including a vibrant group of around 15 doctoral students, and a group of approximately 10 applied biostatisticians.

A strategic research area at Karolinska Institutet to further develop and integrate the unique resources for epidemiological research in Sweden such as biobanks, longitudinal cohorts, and newly available data sources such as computerized patient systems, the multigeneration- and prescription registries.

Teachers and staff

Doctoral education

Doctoral courses

Undergraduate education