The SciRAP tools for in vitro studies

The SciRAP tool for evaluating the reliability and relevance of in vitro toxicity studies is primarily based on the recommendations and requirements set out in the relevant OECD test guidelines for such tests.

The evaluation of the reliability of in vitro studies allows for evaluation of reporting quality and methodological quality, separately. The criteria for SciRAP for in vitro studies have been reviewed by experts in toxicity testing and risk assessment.  The tool was developed by Roth et al. (2021). 

Several tools tailored for specific types of studies based on the SciRAP in vitro tool are under development and will become available on the website once finalised:

  • the SciRAPnano, for evaluation of in vitro studies of nano-materials (Shao et al. 2023) 
  • a tool for evaluating data from receptor transactivation studies developed within PARC
  • the SciRAPplastic, a tool for evaluation of in vitro studies of micro- and nanoplastic materials, developed in collaboration with the Danish Technical University

Assessment sheets and documents for importing and visualizing data from several workbooks are available as Excel files here. Instructions are available in PDF format. Notice to users: Documents for importing and visualizing data from several workbooks require enabling macros in your Excel program on your computer.

Log of tool updates


Roth N, Zilliacus J, Beronius A. 2021. Development of the SciRAP Approach for Evaluating the Reliability and Relevance of in vitro Toxicity Data. Front Toxicol. 3:746430.

Shao G, Beronius A, Nymark P. 2023. SciRAPnano: a pragmatic and harmonized approach for quality evaluation of in vitro toxicity data to support risk assessment of nanomaterials. Front. Toxicol. 5:1319985. 

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