The SciRAP tool for observational epidemiological studies

The SciRAP tool for observational epidemiological studies is under development and will soon be available here.

The SciRAP tool for evaluating reliability and relevance of epidemiological studies is primarily based on the protocols and tools for evaluating the quality of epidemiology studies, such as the OHAT (Office of Health Assessment and Translation) risk of bias toolSTROBE (STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology)the NOS (The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale)the NIH (National Institutes of Health) quality assessment tools. To evaluate their scientific soundness, relevance and user-friendliness, the criteria have also been reviewed by experts within the field of epidemiology and risk assessment from academia, authorities, and industry in Europe and the USA. The criteria are currently being updated and prepared for publication.

Assessment sheets and documents for importing and visualizing data from several workbooks will be available to download as Excel files here. 

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