MWLC Seed Grant Programme
The 2023 Ming Wai Lau Centre for Reparative Medicine (MWLC) Seed Grant Programme has been established for KI researchers to fund and promote new research collaborations within stem cell differentiation, reprogramming and biomanufacturing toward translational application. Seven out of 14 applications were selected by an external panel of reviewers to be awarded with 1 million SEK per year for a period of three years per project.
Awarded Projects
- Cancer predisposition and epigenetic deregulation of hematopoietic stem cells:
Vanessa Lundin (MedH), Andreas Lennartsson (BioNut)
- From disease to recovery: Investigating the effects of APOB-lipoproteins on hematopoietic stem cells in cardiometabolic disease:
Petter Woll (MedH) Stephen Malin (MedS)
- Greasing the way for regeneration from gut to brain: Revealing the role of lipids in stem cell differentiation and regeneration:
Erdinc Sezgin (KBH), Jonas Frisén (CMB), Pekka Katajisto (CMB)
- Investigating the link between placental function and congenital heart disease using organoids-on-a-chip system:
Qiaolin Deng (FyFa), Elif Eroglu (CMB)
- Non-invasive analysis of cellular compositions during manufacturing of stem cell products via extracellular vesicle profiling:
Fredrik Lanner (CLINTEC), Samir EL Andaloussi (LABMED)
- Progenitor cell location as determinant of fate and regeneration:
Eduardo J. Villablanca (MedS), Maria Genander (CMB)
- Single cell analyses of in vitro-specified dopamine progenitors and their developmental trajectory after engraftment into a striatal context:
Johan Ericson (CMB), Erik Sundström (NVS)
The 2023 MWLC Seed Grant Programme was announced during spring 2023 and was open for researchers employed at least 50 % by KI to support new collaborative projects, not continuation of ongoing collaborations. A Seed Grant team consists of a minimum of two group leaders from different KI departments with an equal partnership and budget splits. The applications were reviewed by scientists from institutions outside KI and were rated according to scientific and technical merits.