Historical Timeline | MWLC

News, articles and events from MWLC, listed by year.


2020-11-19 Dr Simon Elsässer had been awarded the Consolidator grant 2020

2020-11-17 Dr Gonçalo Castelo-Branco’s publication in Nature Communications

2020-11-12 Dr Simon Elsässer’s publication in Journal of the American Chemical Society

2020-11-11 Mr Per Augustsson, the new Sweden Consul General in HK, visited us and met our researchers

2020-11-05 to 06 Internal retreat among KI Sweden and KI Hong Kong researchers

2020-10-20 Bioinformatics seminar by Dr Carmen Navarro (Dr Simon Elsässer’s lab)

2020-10-09 Dr Simon Elsässer’s publication in Nature Communications

2020-09-09 Dr Simon Elsässer had been awarded the 2020 grant from IngaBritt och Arne Lundbergs Forskningsstiftelse

2020-09-09 Dr Ning Xu Landén was this year’s winner of the LEO Foundation Award in Region EMEA

2020-09-01 to 03 KI conference on "Developing brains"

2020-08-24 KI, St. Erik Eye Hospital and Novo Nordisk collaborated to find a cure for age-related macular degeneration

2020-07-28 Dr Simon Elsässer had been awarded the ERC Proof of Concept Grant 2020

2020-06-23 Dr Simon Elsässer’s publication in Cell Reports

2020-06-16 Bioinformatics seminar by Dr Louis Faure (Medical University of Vienna)

2020-05-19 Bioinformatics seminar by Dr Zhuang Liu (Dr Ning Xu Landén's lab)

2020-05-14 Dr Gonçalo Castelo-Branco had been awarded the Eric K. Fernström prize 2020

2020-04-28 Bioinformatics seminar by Dr Shangli Cheng (Bioinformatics Platform)

2020-03-31 Dr Fredrik Lanner's publications in both Nature Communications and Stem Cell Reports

2020-03-20 Dr Fredrik Lanner's publication in Stem Cell Reports

2020-03-06 Dr Sijie Chen's research paper got highlighted on the cover of Nanoscale Horizons

2020-03-03 Dr Fredrik Lanner's publication in Nature Communications

2020-03-02 Dr Simon Elsässer had been appointed as one of the seventh generation of Future Research Leaders

2020-02-25 Bioinformatics seminar by Baifeng Zhang (Dr Zongli Zheng's lab)

2020-02-05 Dr Gonçalo Castelo-Branco double rewarded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW)

2020-01-21 Bioinformatics seminar by Dr Eneritz Agirre (Dr Goncalo Castelo-Branco's lab)

2020-01-08 Dr Linxian Li's publication in Nature Biotechnology


2019-11-26   Bioinformatics seminar by Yin Yu Lam (Prof Ronald Li’s lab, HKU)

2019-11-07   Evaluation of MWLC researchers by International Scientific Advisory Board

2019-11-06 to 08   Internal retreat among KI Sweden and KI Hong Kong researchers

2019-11-06   Presentations and exchange among CUHK and MWLC researchers

2019-11-06   Lecture "Exploring heterogeneity of human skin cells" by Prof Fiona M Watt

2019-10-22   Bioinformatics seminar by Dr Pankaj Kumar (Dr Fredrik Lanner's lab) 

2019-10-14   Dr Zongli Zheng's publication in PNAS

2019-10-09 to 10   Nobel mini-symposium 55 "The dark side of the brain: Myelinating glia in the central and peripheral nervous system"

2019-10-04   Dr Gonçalo Castelo-Branco was awarded SSMF’s Anniversary Prize

2019-09-23   Dr Simon Elsässer's publication in Cell Reports

2019-09-05   KI conference on "Developing brains"

2019-09-01   MWLC Associate Members Programme started

2019-08-20   Lecture "Bioimaging, diagnosis and therapy by conceptually new fluorogens" by Prof Ben Zhong Tang

2019-07-30   Seminar "Application of microfluidics in bacteria culture separation and detection" by Dr Shunbo Li

2019-06-04   Croucher Foundation and Nobel Media AB visited and met our researchers

2019-05-28   GOSSIPER seminar by Magdalena Wagner (Dr Fredrik Lanner's lab (CLINTEC))

2019-05-15 to 16   Internal retreat among KI Sweden and KI Hong Kong researchers

2019-05-15   Symposium on "Advances in reparative medicine"

2019-05-14   GOSSIPER seminar by Carolina Bengtsson Gonzales (Dr Jens Hjerling-Leffler's lab)

2019-04-30   GOSSIPER seminar by Khomgrit Morarach (Dr Ulrika Marklund's lab)

2019-04-09   Bioinformatics seminar by Dr Athena Chu (Dr Zongli Zheng's lab)

2019-04-03   Symposium on "CNS injuries and repair"

2019-04-02   GOSSIPER seminar by Dr Ana Falcao (Dr Gonçalo Castelo-Branco's lab)

2019-03-26   Dr Francois Lallemend's publication in Cell Reports

2019-03-19   GOSSIPER Seminar by Eduardo Guimaraes (Dr Christian Göritz's lab)

2019-03-12   Bioinformatics seminar by Dr Carmen Navarro (Dr Simon Elsässer’s lab)

2019-03-08   AstraZeneca visited and met our researchers

2019-02-19   Bioinformatics seminar by Dr Shangli Cheng (Bioinformatics Platform)

2019-01-23   Dr Gonçalo Castelo-Branco's publication in Nature

2019-01-23   Bioinformatics seminar by Dr Soniya Savant (Dr Christian Göritz’s lab)

2019-01-11   Seminar “Integrative genomics and epigenomics for prioritizing disease variants and identifying treatment targets” by Prof Kevin Yip


2018-12-03   Symposium on "Human pluripotent stem cell-based precision medicine and therapies for heart diseases: From concepts to realities"

2018-11-21 to 22   Internal retreat among KI Sweden and KI Hong Kong researchers

2018-11-20   Reception on “Moving forward together: Shaping the future of Ming Wai Lau Centre for Reparative Medicine”

2018-11-14   Seminar "Divide and conquer: the road towards more stratified medicine for colorectal cancer” by Dr Xin Wang

2018-11-13   Bioinformatics seminar by Haohao Wu (Dr Francois Lallemend’s lab)

2018-11-12   Dr Gonçalo Castelo-Branco's publication in Nature Medicine

2018-11-06   HKAPI and representatives from seven pharmaceutical companies visited to understand our work

2018-10-29   Seminar "Transcriptional and epigenetic states of oligodendrocyte lineage cells in the central nervous system: insights form single cell omics" by Dr Gonçalo Castelo-Branco

2018-10-23   The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation In Research and Higher Education (STINT) visited us

2018-10-09   Bioinformatics seminar by David van Bruggen (Dr Goncalo Castelo-Branco's lab)

2018-09-06   KI Conference on "Developing brains"

2018-08-22   Department Head of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Queen Mary Hospital, visited and met our researchers

2018-08-20   Dr Gonçalo Castelo-Branco's publication in Developmental Cell

2018-08-14   Seminar "Noninvasive high-resolution optical imaging, focusing, and stimulation at depths in tissue" by Dr Puxiang Lai

2018-07-13   Representatives of PolyU senior management visited and met our researchers

2018-06-28   Dr Li Dak-Sum Research Centre, HKU, visited and discussed possible collaboration

2018-06-19   Second visit of KI President to the Centre

2018-03-25   Dr Sijie Chen's publication in Angewandte Chemie

2018-03-22 to 23   Representatives of Swedish Research Council, Association of Swedish Higher Education and five Swedish universities visited us

2018-03-22   GOSSIPER seminar by Dr Athena Chu (Dr Zongli Zheng's lab)

2018-03-15   Seminar "Imaging and micro-endovascular navigation - time to redraw the map" by Prof Staffan Holmin

2018-03-08   GOSSIPER seminar by Dr Sheng Xie (Dr Sijie Chen's lab)

2018-03-03   AstraZeneca and KI professors visited us

2018-03-01   Dr Christian Göritz's publication in Cell

2018-02-08   GOSSIPER seminar by Dörte Schlesinger (Dr Simon Elsässer's lab)

2018-02-07   CEO of Nobel Media AB and CG of Sweden in Hong Kong & Macao visited us

2018-01-30   MWLC scientific symposium 2018

2018-01-29 to 31   Internal retreat among KI Sweden and KI Hong Kong researchers

2018-01-25   GOSSIPER seminar by Xi Li (Dr Ning Xu Landén’s lab)


2017-12-19   Prof Ole Petter Ottersen, KI President, and Mr Mikael Odenberg, Chair of the Board of KI, visited us and met our colleagues

2017-12-18   Stanford U and Johns Hopkins U delegations visited and met our researchers

2017-12-07   HRH Prince Carl Philip visited and met our colleagues

2017-11-30   GOSSIPER seminar by Bettina Reichenbach (Dr Christian Göritz's lab)

2017-11-29   Deputy Director of Children’s Medical Research Institute (CMRI) visited and met our researchers

2017-11-15   GOSSIPER seminar by Alvaro Plaza Reyes (Dr Fredrik Lanner’s Lab)

2017-11-06   Deputy Vice Principal of King's College London visited and met our researchers

2017-11-02   Seminar “The mechanobiology of ion channels: May the force be with you!" by Prof Eric Honoré 

2017-11-02   GOSSIPER seminar by Dr Nathan Skene (Dr Jens Hjerling-Leffler’s lab)

2017-11-01   Roche Hong Kong Limited & HKAPI visited us

2017-11-01   President & CEO of the Centre for Commercialization of Regenerative Medicine (CCRM) visited us

2017-10-26   University of Waterloo visited us and met our researchers

2017-10-24   UBC Sauder School of Business visited us

2017-10-19   GOSSIPER seminar by Dr Ana Falcão (Dr Gonçalo Castelo-Branco’s lab)

2017-10-04   GOSSIPER seminar by Khomgrit Morarach (Dr Ulrika Marklund’s lab)

2017-09-22   GOSSIPER seminar by Dr Marilena Kastriti (Dr Igor Adameyko's lab)

2017-09-19 to 21   Internal retreat among KI Sweden and KI Hong Kong researchers

2017-09-04   Director of Cardiovascular Research Center visited and met our researchers

2017-09-01   KI Conference on "Developing brains" 

2017-07-03   Innovation and Technology Bureau (ITB) of HKGOV visited us

2017-06-29   GOSSIPER seminar by Dr Jose Martinez Lopez (Dr Jens Hjerling-Leffler's lab)

2017-06-28   Minister for EU Affairs and Trade of Sweden and Sweden CG visited us and met our researchers

2017-06-15   GOSSIPER seminar by Dr Simon Elsässer

2017-06-01   GOSSIPER seminar by Dr Dongqing Li (Dr Ning Xu Landén's lab)

2017-05-18   GOSSIPER seminar by Haohao Wu (Dr Francois Lallemend's lab)

2017-05-04   GOSSIPER seminar by Karl Annusver (Dr Maria Kasper's lab)

2017-04-27   US delegation, including representatives from U.S. Department of Commerce and American CG, visited us

2017-04-20   GOSSIPER seminar by Dr Yi Jin (Dr Lars Jakobsson's lab)

2017-04-06   GOSSIPER seminar by Jannis Kalkitsas (Dr Christian Göritz's lab)

2017-03-23   GOSSIPER seminar by Magdalena Wagner (Dr Pauliina Damdimopoulou / Dr Fredrik Lanner's lab) 

2017-03-03   Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting, Legislative Council of the HKSAR, visited us

2017-02-24   International Trade and Investment Office Representing the Government of British Columbia in Hong Kong & Macau visited us

2017-02-17   Symposium on “Reparative medicine and beyond”

2017-01-06   SwedenHealth and Elderly Care Delegation, including State Secretary of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, visited us


2016-12-16   Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR & Chinese Academy of Sciences visited us

2016-10-28   Representative of The Swedish Institute visited us

2016-10-07   Inauguration ceremony and scientific symposium

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