2021 KI Conference “Developing Brains”

How can a single cell give rise to complex structures such as the central (brain/spinal cord) and enteric (brain in the gut) nervous systems? This is the overarching question in neural development; understanding how such intricate structures are assembled gives not only crucial knowledge about these nervous systems, but also important insight to the etiology of some of our most common diseases.

Brain in different colors in slime.
Built by Clara Castelo-Branco using slime.

The 8th edition of the KI Conference “Developing Brains" gathered some of the leading scientists working on critical questions ranging from transcriptional heterogeneity of neural cell types, their specification and maturation, to migration, myelination and creation of mature neural circuits.

Given the current COVID-19 pandemic, the conference took place on a hybrid format, both online and in person. Lectures were scheduled during 1-2 September between 14:00-18:30 CET (Stockholm).  


James Briscoe (Crick Institute, London, UK)

Tim Czopka (University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh UK)

Daniel Geschwind (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)

Andrea Gomez (University of California, Berkeley, USA)

Guillermina López-Bendito (Instituto de Neurociencias, Alicante, Spain)

Jane Johnson (UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, USA)

Oscar Marin (King’s College London, London, UK)

Anna Victoria Molofsky (University of California, San Francisco, USA)

Scientific Organizers

Gonçalo Castelo-Branco

Jens Hjerling-Leffler

Francois Lallemend

Ulrika Marklund


This conference was supported by the Ming Wai Lau Centre for Reparative Medicine, Strategic Research Area in Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, and Frontier Courses in Neuroscience.

Technical platform for live broadcasting (REMO) of this webinar was provided by the courtesy of Bio-Techne.

Ulrika Marklund hosting Oscar Marin in the conference. Photo: Gonçalo Castelo-Branco


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