Christian Göritz

Photo: Erik Cronberg

Associate Professor Christian Göritz studied Biochemistry in Berlin, Germany. He performed his PhD studies in Strasbourg, France, in a joint Max Planck / CNRS research environment. As a member of the European Doctoral College, he received his PhD in Neuroscience after a joint defense at the Free University in Berlin and the University Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg. For his postdoctoral training, he joined the lab of Jonas Frisén at the Karolinska Institutet, and has now established his own research group at the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.

The research of the Göritz lab focuses on the mechanisms that mediate scarring and repair of the central nervous system. Recently, Göritz et al. discovered a new type of cells that are associated with small blood vessels, named type A pericytes. These cells are the main source of stromal scar tissue, which constitutes the long-term persistent scar core following spinal cord injury.

By comparing several different models of injury and disease, the Göritz team is intending to uncover common mechanisms of scarring and fibrosis with the goal to identify new targets for the treatment of central nervous system lesions in humans. In parallel, endogenous cell replacement mechanisms are investigated.

Through the Ming Wai Lau Center collaborative research environment, the Göritz group aims to develop and test strategies that could be utilized to enhance tissue repair, with the long-term goal to facilitate repair in humans.

Selected Publications

Dorst, M. C., Díaz-Moreno, M., Dias, D. O., Guimarães, E. L., Holl, D., Kalkitsas, J., Silberberg, G., & Göritz, C. (2021). Astrocyte-derived neurons provide excitatory input to the adult striatal circuitry. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(33), e2104119118.

Dias, D. O., & Göritz, C. (2018). Fibrotic scarring following lesions to the central nervous system. Matrix Biology, 6869, 561–570.

Dias, D. O., Kim, H., Holl, D., Werne Solnestam, B., Lundeberg, J., Carlén, M., Göritz, C., & Frisén, J. (2018). Reducing Pericyte-Derived Scarring Promotes Recovery after Spinal Cord Injury. Cell, 173(1), 153-165.e22.

Reichenbach, B., Classon, J., Aida, T., Tanaka, K., Genander, M., & Göritz, C. (2018). Glutamate transporter Slc1a3 mediates inter‐niche stem cell activation during skin growth. The EMBO Journal, 37(9).

Magnusson, J. P., Goritz, C., Tatarishvili, J., Dias, D. O., Smith, E. M. K., Lindvall, O., Kokaia, Z., & Frisen, J. (2014). A latent neurogenic program in astrocytes regulated by Notch signaling in the mouse. Science, 346(6206), 237–241.

Sabelstrom, H., Stenudd, M., Reu, P., Dias, D. O., Elfineh, M., Zdunek, S., Damberg, P., Goritz, C., & Frisen, J. (2013). Resident Neural Stem Cells Restrict Tissue Damage and Neuronal Loss After Spinal Cord Injury in Mice. Science, 342(6158), 637–640.

Goritz, C., Dias, D. O., Tomilin, N., Barbacid, M., Shupliakov, O., & Frisen, J. (2011). A Pericyte Origin of Spinal Cord Scar Tissue. Science, 333(6039), 238–242.

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