The primary objectives of NORCHER are to search for, invent, implement, evaluate and inform stakeholders of models of health service delivery that encourage equal access, high quality and cost effectiveness.

Aim of the project

The collaboration between the Nordic research institutions have for many years contributed to comparative analyses of hospital performance research through the EU-funded EuroHOPE project. Recently, through a pilot study implemented in Copenhagen, Helsinki, Oslo and Stockholm, the approach was extended to include local data covering primary, social and long-term care services which made it feasible to follow the patients along complete care pathways one year before and one year after a hospital index admission. Through NORCHER the Nordic comparative analyses will be extended to include a larger sample of hospitals and municipalities in the four Nordic countries. The project also aim at further develop a data infrastructure covering outcome and cost indicators across care settings (primary, secondary, social and long-term care services).

Results in brief

The project has just started and no results are available yet.

Continued work

The project will run during the period 2021-2024

Reports and publications

No reports are yet published.

Contact person

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