Step 1 – Review and reflect 

This step will help us understand and map the extent to which our curriculum is internationalised! 

The team adapted and further developed Leask’s Questionnaire for Internationalising the Curriculum to better suit and fit our Swedish and medical context. 

The purpose of our questionnaire, Mapping out Internationalisation at KI, is to explore the extent to which international, intercultural and global health perspectives are incorporated into the curriculum of all our first and second cycle programmes and courses at Karolinska Institutet (KI).   

Questions to engage stakeholders

The questions invite different stakeholders (administrators, teachers, course leaders, programme committee members, academics responsible for educational development and for internationalisation) to critically consider the context in which their programme and its individual courses and units are taught, as well as individual elements of the curriculum such as content, assessment, learning spaces and teaching styles. The answers helped the team to engage stakeholders in stimulating and inspiring conversations in the workshop dedicated to Step 2 – Imagine.  

We realised that our stakeholders did not have the time to answer our questions, so it was decided to provide 45 minutes at the beginning of the workshop in order to get the highest possible frequency rate. In so doing, we also alleviated our participants’ workload.  

The questionnaire contains all the questions for all the stakeholder groups. If you wish to adapt the questionnaire to your own context, please contact the team who can assist you in individualising the questionnaire for the specific stakeholder groups. 

Themes and issues to address 

The questionnaire covers the following issues and questions: 

  • Rationale for IoC: why is it important? What international/intercultural/global knowledge, skills and attitudes do our graduates need? 
  • Review content, teaching and learning arrangements and assessment in individual courses and across programmes 
  • Review student feedback and evaluation in relation to international/intercultural/global learning objectives  
  • Review institutional goals related to IoC and the alignment of the programmes with these ILOs 
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses of current approach to IoC 
  • Reflect on achievements and identifying possible areas for improvement. What are possible modifications? 


Content reviewer: