Presentations of Internationalisation of the Curriculum (IoC) - a selection

The IoC process enabled the team to gather much data and present our findings at different institutions, both nationally and internationally. Here is a selection of presentations mainly from conferences that have been filmed.

NU Sept 2020 Digital poster on Internationalising support services 

Umeå University 2019 Two day workshop on “Teaching in the international university” 

UHR Internationalisation days November 2019

Presentation at SLU Utbildningskongressen 2019 

SUHF Conference January 2019 

Delivering intercultural competence as a graduate attribute - Jeanine Gregersen

UHR Internationalisation days 2018 

Karolinska Institutet Educational Congress 2018

Internationalisation the theme for KI’s Educational Congress (article published on KI News 2018-03-18)


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