Insurance Medicine All Sweden (IMAS)

Insurance Medicine All Sweden (IMAS) is a large-scale project that aims to generate knowledge about different aspects of sickness absence and disability pension.

Aspects that are investigated are, for instance:

  • Risk factors for sickness absence and disability pension
  • Factors that might hinder or promote return to work or other activity among people on sickness absence or disability pension
  • Consequences of being sickness absent or disability pensioned
  • Changes of the above over time
  • Methodological aspects in this type of research, e.g., effects of using different types of measures of sickness absence on the results

This is studied for sickness absence and disability pension in general, for specific diagnoses, for different occupations, as well as for different life situations.

The dataset includes anonymised microdata, linked from different nationwide registers administrated by Statistics Sweden, the Board of Health and Welfare, the Social Insurance Agency, and Region Stockholm.

Several different studies have been conducted or are ongoing.

PI: Ellenor Mittedorfer-Rutz, professor


IMAS is part of the infrastructure REWHARD, aiming to promote research about how work and life situation are associated with each other as well as with health, sickness absence and wellbeing over the life course.

More information about the project

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