KI-MDACC Collaborative Grants
The KI-MDACC Collaborative Grant/ SINF is a 1-2 year grant for cancer research projects involving Karolinska Institutet (KI) in Stockholm and MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC) at The University of Texas, Houston.
About the Grant
The Sister Institution Network Fund (SINF) grant program for 2020
Key Dates 2020
- Letter of Intent (LOI) Submission deadline: 11:59 p.m. CST on Mon., Jan. 20, 2020
- Full Application submission deadline: Changed date for deadline to Monday April 6th, 2020 11:59 p.m. CST (due to Covid- 19 situation)
- Award Announcements: Fri., May 8, 2020, (might be changes due to Covid-19 situation)
- Award Period: June 1, 2020 - May 31, 2022, (might be changes due to Covid-19 situation)
Only projects using complementary expertise and developed in collaboration between faculty/staff at MDACC and KI with principal investigators (PI) from each institution will be considered for funding. At KI, only senior group leaders (PhD) with at least 2 years of salary/fellowship secured and working at least 50% as scientists at a KI department can apply. At MDACC the funding mechanism is the Sister Institution Network Fund (SINF) and the MDACC PI needs to meet the criteria set for this funding instrument.
The total funding will consist of a maximum of 800,000 SEK per project (KI) and $ 100,000 per project (MDACC) over a two-year period. Other MDACC Sister Institutions may participate together with the KI and MD Anderson partners, with funding levels and mechanisms for investigators at collaborating institutions to be determined by their home institution. Funding provided by KI may be used for costs for personnel (except applicant’s position and stipends), consumables and travel cost for exchanges and visits to the partner institution.
KI-MDACC Collaborative Grants/ SINF 2019
Two projects are awarded joint funding through the 2019 KI-MDACC Collaborative Grants/ SINF mechanism for the years 2019-20:
PROJECT 1: Delineating the evolution of resistance to HER2-targeted therapy in breast cancer using single cell genomics.
Theodoros Foukakis from the department of Oncology-Pathology (OnkPat). Project partner: Nicholas E. Navin (MD Anderson/ Genetics).
Theodoros Foukakis
Senior Lecturer/Senior PhysicianPROJECT 2: A framework to use DNA repair to IndiVidualizE Radiotherapy (DRIVER)
Iuliana Toma-Dasu from the department of Oncology-Pathology (OnkPat). Project partner: Gabriel O. Sawakuchi (MD Anderson/ Radiation Physics)
Iuliana Toma-Dasu
Affiliated to ResearchKI-MDACC Collaborative Grants/ SINF 2016
Two projects are awarded joint funding through the 2016 KI-MDACC Collaborative Grants/ SINF mechanism for the years 2017-18:
PROJECT 1: The Identification of the Genetic Mechanisms Underlying Mantle Cell Lymphoma Progression and Therapeutic Resistance
Qiang Pan-Hammarström from the department of Laboratory Medicine (LABMED). Project partners: Michael Wang (MDACC) & Hui-Lai Zhang (Tianjin Medical University Cancer Center).
PROJECT 2: RNA to DNA differences (RDD): from cancer to diabetes
Leonard Girnita from the department of Oncology-Pathology (Onk-Pat). Project partners: George A. Calin (MDACC) & Emmanuel Dias-Neto (AC Camargo Cancer Center, Sao Paulo, Brazil).
Leonard Girnita
Principal ResearcherAnnouncement for the 2016 call for KI-MDACC Collaborative Grants/ SINF
KI-MDACC Collaborative Grants/ SINF 2015
Two projects are awarded joint funding through the 2015 KI-MDACC Collaborative Grants/ SINF mechanism for the years 2016-17:
PROJECT 1: Decitabine and dCTPase inhibitor combination: proof-of concept studies in MDS
Thomas Helleday from the department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB). Project partner: Guillermo Garcia-Manero (MDACC).
Thomas Helleday
ProfessorPROJECT 2: The relationship between stromal and vascular response to hypoxia in pulmonary metastasis
Randall Johnson from the department of Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB). Project partners: Raghu Kalluri (MDACC) and Hellmut Augustin (DKFZ)
Announcement for the 2015 call for KI-MDACC Collaborative grants/ SINF
KI-MDACC Collaborative Grants/ SINF 2014
Two projects are awarded joint funding through the 2014 KI-MDACC Collaborative Grants/ SINF mechanism for the years 2015-16:
PROJECT 1: Drug repositioning for pharmacological manipulation of p53 family members in p53 mutant and deficient lung tumors
Joanna Zawacka-Pankau from the Department of Medicine Huddinge (MedH). Project partners: Elsa Flores (MDACC) and Kristian Berg (Oslo Radium Hospital).
Joanna Zawacka
Affiliated to Research;Research SpecialistPROJECT 2: Integrating SINgle-CEll Technologies to Advance Personalized ONCology – SINCELONC
Nicola Crosetto from the department of Medical Biophysics and Biochemistry (MBB) together with Theodoros Foukakis and Johan Hartman from the department of Onkology-Pathology (Onk-Pat). Project partner: Nicholas Navin (MDACC).
Nicola Crosetto
Principal ResearcherJohan Hartman
Professor/Senior PhysicianTheodoros Foukakis
Senior Lecturer/Senior PhysicianAnnouncement for the 2014 call for KI-MDACC Collaborative grants/ SINF
KI-MDACC Collaborative Grants/ SINF 2013
In 2013 there were three projects awarded joint funding:
PROJECT 1: Curative cell-based therapies for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
Katarina Le Blanc & Evren Alici from the Department of Laboratory Medicine. Project partners: Katy Rezvani (MDACC), Ten Feizi (Imperial College, London).
Katarina le Blanc
Professor/Specialist PhysicianPROJECT 2: Development Of A Predictive Genomic Diagnostic Test For Survival Benefit From Everolimus (mTOR Inhibitor) Combined With Endocrine Therapy For Metastatic HR+/HER2- Breast Cancer
Jonas Bergh & Hanjing Xie from the Department of Oncology-Pathology. Project partner: W. Fraser Symmans (MDACC).
Jonas Bergh
Professor, SeniorPROJECT 3: Proteomic biomarkers facilitating personalized cancer medicine
Janne Lehtiö from the Department of Oncology-Pathology. Project partners: Gordon Mills (MDACC), Anne-Lise Børresen-Dale (Oslo University Hospital)