Hagströmerstipendium i medicinens historia och/eller angränsande vetenskaper

Utlysning av ansökningar till 2025 års Hagströmerstipendium i medicinens historia och/eller relaterade vetenskaper.

Tingssalen på Hagströmerbiblioteket
Tingsallen, Hagströmer Library Photo: Carrie Greenwood

Hagströmerbiblioteket, Karolinska Institutet och Catarina och Sven Hagströmer Foundation tar nu emot ansökningar till 2025 års Hagströmer Fellowship.

The fellowship provides a postdoctoral or senior researcher in the field of history of medicine and/or related sciences (early modern to twentieth-century) with financial support to explore the collections of the Hagströmer Library. The Hagströmer library contains Sweden’s largest collections in the history of medicine and related sciences, including more than 100 000 monographs published between c. 1480 and 2000, extensive manuscript collections and c. 1300 medical and scientific journals.

The Hagströmer Fellowship is a residential fellowship (2-6 months) which supports a scholar who will travel to Stockholm to conduct research in the Hagströmer library.


A sum of EUR 10 000 from The Catarina and Sven Hagströmer Foundation will be made available to cover accommodation, travel, cost of living in Stockholm, and additional insurance, if needed.

Visiting scholar status at the Hagströmer library grants a workplace/ personal desk at the Hagströmer Library and access to collections (Mondays to Thursdays) for the duration of the stay. Affiliation status at KI grants an email address and use of library resources at Karolinska Institutet Library (KIB), including full access to scholarly databases and journals in medical sciences. The Hagströmer library expects the Fellow to spend a minimum of two months in Stockholm, to present their work at a public lecture at the library, to use the Hagströmer Library as their primary place of work, to engage with our collections and to write a short popular text about their work at the library.

Application procedure

The call is open between Oct. 1 and Nov 10, 2024 and should be sent by mail to the Catarina and Sven Hagströmer Foundation cshstiftelse@hagstromer.se (please label your email ‘The Hagströmer Fellowship’). The application should be in pdf format and must include the following documents in the following order. 

  1. A two-page description of yourself and your research as well as a brief outline of which collections you intend to use at the Hagströmer library, and how you intend to make use of your studies of the collections in your research. Also state the duration of your visit in Stockholm and your planned date of arrival. 
  2. A separate page with your full name and address. This page must also include the names and contact details of two references (references will only be taken on final candidates). 
  3. A CV of no more than three pages outlining your major academic and other relevant accomplishments and publications. 
  4. A copy of your PhD-certificate/highest formal academic degree.

The Fellow will receive a personal notification and the decision will be announced on the webpage of the Hagströmer Library Dec. 16, 2024; https://hagstromerlibrary.ki.se/news 

The Hagströmer Library is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive research environment and encourages members of any groups that have traditionally been underrepresented in academia to apply for fellowship support. 

Please share this announcement with anyone who might be interested in the library’s fellowship program. All application materials are due no later than November 10, 2024. For further information about the library visit our website or e-mail hagstromerlibrary@ki.se.

Thank you!

Eva Åhrén and Hjalmar Fors 

Medical History and Heritage/Hagströmer Library, Karolinska Institutet


Carrie Greenwood