Imaging Seminar Series med Centrum för alzheimerforskning
Välkommen att delta i diskussioner kring den senaste forskningen om hjärnavbildning. Vi bjuder in till ett seminarium varje månad, vanligtvis den sista fredagen i månaden. Seminarierna äger rum på Zoom, där två forskare presenterar och diskuterar sitt arbete. Varmt välkomna!
Välkommen att delta via Zoom:
Seminarier våren 2025
28 februari kl. 13-14
Tema: Synaptic density imaging
Elijah Mak, Mayo Clinic, USA
"Mapping synaptic density using UCBJ PET imaging in neurodegenerative conditions: an overview"
Annette Johansen, Copenhagen University Hospital, Danmark
"Creation of an in vivo high-resolution human brain atlas of synaptic density"
28 mars kl. 13-14
Tema: The Olfactory System - from Perception to Disease
Putu Agus Khorisantono, Karolinska Institutet
"A Common Neural Code for Tastes and Odours in the Human Insula"
Benoît Jobin, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Kanada
"Early Olfactory System Neurodegeneration as a Marker for Alzheimer’s Disease"
Save the date för kommande seminarier under våren:
- 25 april kl. 13-14
- 16 maj kl. 13-14
- 13 juni kl. 13-14
Seminarier hösten 2024
23 september kl. 13-14 (obs! måndag)
Tema: Neural mechanisms linked to vascular burden
Matthijs Biesbroek, UMC Utrecht and Diakonessenhuis Hospital, Nederländerna
"WMH locations associated with vascular risk factors and amyloid pathology"
Catarina Tristão Pereira Mass General Hospital, USA
"Longitudinal interplay between subclinical atherosclerosis, cardiovascular risk factors and cerebral glucose metabolism in midlife – the PESA study"
25 oktober kl. 13-14
Tema: Networks in Neurology
Tanmayee Samantaray, Karolinska Institutet
"Can a brain network be encoded?"
Silvia Basaia, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Italien
"Brain connectivity networks constructed using MRI for predicting patterns of atrophy progression in Parkinson’s disease"
29 november kl. 13-14
Tema: Morphometric heterogeneity in aging and AD
Giulia Lorenzon, Karolinska Institutet
"Brain heterogeneity within aging and cognitive impairment: implications for precision medicine and prevention"
Wiesje Pelkmans, Barcelonaβeta Brain Research Center, Spanien
"Neurobiological correlates of grey matter morphometry changes in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease"
13 december kl. 11-12
Tema: Alpha-rhythms & cognition
Natalie Schaworonkow, Ernst-Strüngmann-Institute for Neuroscience, Tyskland
"Is sensor space analysis good enough? Spatial patterns as a tool for assessing spatial mixing of EEG/MEG rhythms"
Niloufar Zebarjadi, Karolinska Institutet
"Alpha-rhythms in empathy: neural mechanisms and variability across individuals"
Seminarier våren 2024
24 januari kl. 15.00-16.00
Tema: Quantification of small vessel disease markers
Erin Gibson, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Kanada
"SynthSegCSVD: Enhanced quantification of key neuroimaging markers of cerebral small vessel disease"
Fredag 23 februari kl. 13-14
Tema: Linking pathology and brain atrophy
Daniel Kor, University of Oxford, UK
"Understanding the histological basis of MRI"
Niels Reijner, Amsterdam UMC, Nederländerna
"Clinical phenotypes of Alzheimer’s disease: atrophy patterns and their pathological correlates"
Fredag 22 mars kl. 13-14
Tema: Machine/deep learning applications in neuroimaging
Evangelos Galaris, Karolinska Institutet
"Identifying spatial patterns of white matter hyperintensities using spectral clustering"
Farshad Falahati, Karolinska Institutet
"SynthSegCSVD: Enhanced quantification of key neuroimaging markers of cerebral small vessel disease"
Fredag 26 april kl. 13-14
Tema: Reaching the hippocampus
Elva Arulchelvan, Trinity College Dublin, Irland
"Stimulating the hippocampus via a locus coeruleus-noradrenaline (LC-NA) pathway: A peripheral nerve stimulation approach"
Katharina Klink, UPD APP Bern, Schweiz
"Targeting hippocampal hyperactivity in mild cognitive impairment with real-time fMRI neurofeedback"
Fredag 24 maj kl. 13-14
Tema: Linking brain imaging to plasma biomarkers
Marina Bluma, Karolinska Institutet
"Profiling plasma biomarkers in memory clinic patients"
Laura Ekblad, University of Turku, Finland
"Imaging and blood biomarkers of neuroinflammation and beta-amyloid in APOE4 homozygotes, heterozygotes and non-carriers"
Fredag 14 juni kl. 13-14
Tema: Imaging in subjective & early cognitive decline
Lidia Mulet Pons, University of Barcelona, Spanien
"Cognitive dispersion in structural and functional brain connectivity: Implications of subjective cognitive complaints in healthy adults"
Michael Lassi, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Italien
"Characterizing Early Stages of Cognitive Decline Through EEG Microstates Dynamics"
Seminarier hösten 2023
25 augusti kl. 13.00
Milan Němý, Czech Technical University, Tjeckien och KI
"Basal Forebrain, Cholinergic White Matter Pathways and Cognition in Normal Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease"
Niels Okkels, Aarhus University, Danmark
"Cholinergic changes in the brain and abdominal organs in dementia with Lewy bodies"
29 september kl. 10.00 (obs tiden!)
Lyduine Collij, Lunds universitet
"Disease heterogeneity in Alzheimer’s disease: spatial-temporal subtypes in amyloid pathology based on PET imaging"
Emma Luckett, Karolinska Institutet
"Weighted gene co-expression network analysis detects changes in the peripheral blood transcriptome in asymptomatic Alzheimer’s disease"
27 oktober kl. 13.00
Jessica Samuelsson, Göteborgs universitet
"Associations between dietary patterns and dementia-related neuroimaging markers"
Laura Stankeviciute, BarcelonaBeta Brain Research Center, Spanien
"Sleep in preclinical stages of Alzheimer's disease: A multimodal biomarkers approach"
24 november kl. 13.00
José Paredes Pacheco, University of Málaga, Spanien
"An online platform for the Monte Carlo simulation of realistic brain PET data: SimPET"
Francisco Javier López, Fundación CIEN, Spanien
"Quantification methods of PET biomarkers in Alzheimer’s disease"
15 december kl. 13.00
13.00 to 14.00, Stockholm time zone, online seminar on zoom:
Luigi Lorenzini, Amsterdam UMC, Nederländerna
"Interaction of amyloid and vascular factors in preclinical stages of Alzheimer's disease"
Marco Düring, University of Basel, Schweiz
"Neuroimaging standards for research into small vessel disease – STRIVE-2"
Seminarier våren 2023
24 februari kl. 13.00
Mona-Lisa Malarte, KI
"Deciphering the interplay between reactive astrogliosis and tau pathology in 4R tauopathies"
Kevin Oliveira Hauer, Lunds universitet
"Performance of [18F]RO948 PET, MRI and CSF neurofilament light in the differential diagnosis of progressive supranuclear palsy"
27 mars kl. 13.00
Anna Inguanzo, KI
"MRI data-driven clustering reveals different subtypes of Dementia with Lewy bodies"
Han Soo Yoo, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
"Multitracer PET imaging to evaluate dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB)"
28 april kl. 13.00
Bárbara Avelar Pereira, KI
“Decoding the heterogeneity of Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis & progression using multilayer networks”
Anthipa Chokesuwattanaskul, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
“The architecture of abnormal reward behaviour in dementia”
26 maj kl. 13.00
Miriam Scarpa, KI
“Pre-clinical validation of SV2A-PET tracer UCB-J for detecting synaptic loss in AD and PSP”
Stephen Carter, University of Cambridge
“EMIF PreclinAD: dementia biomarkers, longitudinal cognitive trajectories and brain resilience in cognitively unimpaired elderly”
30 juni kl. 13.00
Alexander Kvist, KI
"Understanding complex walking in Parkinson's disease, from gait analysis to neuroimaging"
Rodrigo Vitorio, Northumbria University
"The control of walking in Parkinson's disease: illuminating mechanisms and interventions with fNIRS"
Seminarier 2022
16 december kl. 13.00
Annemieke ter Telgte, VASCage, Österrike
“On the origin of cerebral small vessel disease”
25 november kl. 13.00
Annegret Habich, KI
(Dis-)connected Dots in Dementia with Lewy Bodies – A Systematic Review of Connectivity Studies
Ramtin Mehraram, KU Leuven, Belgium
Lewy body dementia: EEG-network biomarkers and visual hallucinations
28 oktober kl. 13.00
Anna Dewenter, Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research
The effects of Alzheimer’s disease and cerebral small vessel disease on white matter fiber tracts
Nira Cedres, University Fernando Pessoa-Canarias
Association between cerebrovascular and Alzheimer's disease biomarkers and the degeneration of the cholinergic system
30 september kl. 13.00
Yuanjing Li, KI
Thalamic gray matter volume mediates the association between KIBRA polymorphism and olfactory function among older adults
Olof Lindberg, KI
Reduced blood oxygen dependent signal in the anterior cingulate cortex and the anterior insula in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia when viewing images of hands in painful situations
26 augusti kl. 13.00
Marco Bucci, KI
Levels of plasma neurofilament light alone or in combination with pTau-181 predict for steeper cognitive decline in Typical AD and Hippocampal-sparing subtype but not in Limbic-predominant AD subtype
Konstantinos Chiotis, KI
Tracking reactive astrocytes in autosomal dominant Alzheimer’s disease with plasma GFAP and multi-modal PET
24 juni kl. 13.00
Goran Papenberg, KI
Aging-related losses in fronto-striatal dopamine D2 receptor availability is linked to working-memory decline across five years
Alireza Salami, KI and Umeå University
Bi-phasic patterns of age-related differences in dopamine D1 receptors across the adult lifespan
27 maj kl. 13.00
Einar August Høgestøl, University of Oslo
The brain age paradigm across neurodegenerative disorders
Daniel Vereb, KI
Directed connectivity networks across Alzheimer’s disease spectrum
29 april 29 kl. 13.00
Laia Montoliu-Gaya, University of Gothenburg
Plasma and cerebrospinal fluid GFAP levels in Down syndrome and sporadic Alzheimer’s disease: a cross-sectional study
Bruno Robalo, University of Utrecht
Diffusion MRI harmonization enables joint-analysis of multicenter data of patients with cerebral small vessel disease
22 mars kl. 13.00
Silvia Fanton, KI
NetPlotBrain: A Python package to easily create 3D network visualizations on a brain and its usage in pain neuroimaging
Didac Vidal Pineiro, University of Oslo
ggseg: visualization of brain statistics in R and applications in lifespan cognitive neuroscience
25 februari kl. 13.00
Robin Pedersen, Umeå University
Inter-regional dopamine D1 co-variability reflects functional brain architecture
Jonatan Gustavsson, KI
Brain iron and the dopaminergic system: Links to cognition in aging
28 januari kl. 13.00
Anna Canal García, KI
Multiplex connectome changes across the Alzheimer’s disease spectrum using gray matter and amyloid data
Mite Mijalkov, KI
Directed brain connectivity identifies widespread functional network changes in Parkinson’s disease