How we can facilitate your in vivo studies
No matter if you are an academic or corporate user, we can provide you with everything from animals to the management of complex in vivo studies using the zebrafish model.
For more information, please contact
What we offer
- We provide fast access to our resources and experiments in zebrafish embryos can be started most often within 7 days after the first contact.
- We design, manage and run complex research projects in various scientific areas. A list of our experimental pipelines you can find here.
- We provide direct access to the most commonly used zebrafish strains so that you do not have to breed your own animals. A list of our currently available strains you can find here.
- To those of you who are proficient in zebrafish techniques, we offer full access to our instrument park and fish lines.
- We offer practical training for researchers and animal care takers including specific courses for zebrafish husbandry, surgical procedures, IVF/cryopreservation and aquatic technique. A list of our courses you can find here.
- We provide animals – even large quantities – to any research facility in Sweden and Europe.
Delivering high-quality animals and research data is the core for all our services provided. To achieve this, we have established a unique core-facility concept:
- All husbandry is performed solely by core facility staff and overseen by a designated veterinarian to provide highest animal welfare.
- All our procedures – both husbandry and experimental protocols are evidence-based and standardized.
Referred documents
Price list zebrafish core facility (PDF, 53.25 KB)
Service portfolio of the zebrafish core facility v2025 (PDF, 269.17 KB)
External use of the core facility
Zebrafish Core Facility can offer services without a commissioned/contract research or collaborative research agreement, in accordance with the Swedish governmental ordinance (2022:1378) on fees for research infrastructure.
Find out more about external use of KI's core facilities.