Steering committee of the Nordic Zebrafish Network (NZN)
Cesilie Røtnes Amundsen

Head of NZN Steering committee
Cesilie started working with zebrafish in 2014 as a project engineer and has since 2017 been the head of the zebrafish facility at Nord University. She oversees the day-to-day operations, ensuring that the facility adheres to regulations and safety standards. Beyond her expertise in husbandry practices, Cesilie has extensive experience in various genotyping methods, and is also well-versed in cryopreservation techniques.
Additionally, Cesilie actively contributes to the technical aspects of fish managements, including the Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) technology. As a member of Nord University’s Research Station staff, she not only works with zebrafish but also gains valuable insights into other fish species.
Lars Bräutigam

Vice head of NZN Steering committee
Since almost two decades, Lars has been working with zebrafish in both basic research and translational and pre-clinical research. Since 2018, he is the head of the zebrafish core facility at KI. Besides, he is the head of the animal welfare body at Karolinska Institutet, a member of the ethical committee, and ordinary member of the Swedish National Committee for the protection of animals used in research.
Beata Filipek-Gorniok

Operational director at DanioReadout
Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Beata has fifteen years of experience working with the zebrafish embryonic model and nearly ten years of working with CRISPR/Cas9 technology. She has gained extensive experience in research project leading and coordination while working with more than fifty research groups. Her specialization is genome engineering, developmental studies, genetic disease modelling and more recently, cancer cells xenotransplantations.
Sara Vebæk Gelskov

Research assistant
Zebrafish Facility at Campus Frederiksberg, Laboratory for Aquatic Pathobiology, Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, University of Copenhagen.
In the last couple of years, Sara has been managing the Zebrafish Facility; e.g. maintenance of the aquatic systems (Tecniplast and Aqua Schwartz), responsible for the database of the experimental animals (LabGuru), the journals on system parameters, doing feeding and breeding of the fish. Production of SOP´s, teaching at PHD-courses, introducing and training of new employees at the facility. Practical help at experiments, and at preparing histological and molecular analyses.
Louise von Gersdorf Jørgensen

Head of the ExFiMo Science Group
Section for Parasitology and Aquatic Pathology, Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, University of Copenhagen.
Louise primarily work on the fish immune system in rainbow trout and zebrafish (, with a focus on immunology, vaccinology, aquaculture, disease modelling, imaging, molecular biology, the CRISPR/Cas9 technique, parasitology and bacteriology. Louise is head of the ExFiMo Science Group, involved in several of their projects.
Adrian Smith

Secretary of Norecopa
Adrian attends the meetings of the Steering Group as an observer. He has been Secretary of the National Consensus Platform for Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of Animal Experiments, Norecopa, in Norway since it was founded in 2007. He is a British/Norwegian veterinarian, and held the Chair in Laboratory Animal Science at the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science until 2011.
Norecopa maintains a comprehensive website of global 3R resources, including a section on zebrafish. The PREPARE guidelines for planning animal experiments include separate tabs for fish researchers.
Amalie Hofmeyer Andersen

Head of Department of Comparative Medicine (AKM) at UiT Norway’s Artic University
Veterinarian by training at University of Copenhagen in Denmark and specialized within antimicrobial resistance, biomedicine and laboratory animal research. I have a clinical background working several years within small animal medicine with a focus of small animal soft tissue surgery. In 2021 I moved to Tromsø in North of Norway becoming more involved with the use of animal models in biomedical research. Besides my work as the head of the facility I’m also the facility’s designated veterinarian and local responsible for ethical approvals for animal research at the health faculty at UiT.
Petronella Kettunen

Associate professor at Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Petronella has now worked with zebrafish for twenty years, from little embryos to adult fish. Her research in zebrafish is focused on understanding the brain and how it can produce thoughts and behaviors, both in a healthy brain and in individuals with neurological and psychiatric diseases. She is also interested in increasing the general understanding of welfare in zebrafish, in particular by evaluating and developing welfare markers.
Mataleena Parikka

Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology, Tampere University
Mataleena has almost two decades of experience in working with zebrafish in biomedical research. Her main research focus is mycobacterial infections and the adult zebrafish model of tuberculosis. Mataleena is the leader of Infection Biology research group at Tampere University. She has coordinated the Tampere zebrafish facility since 2008.