User guidelines for the zebrafish core facility
Here you will find information on how to use our core facility, which permits you need and our current user fees.
Who can use the zebrafish core facility?
- Internal academic research groups from Karolinska Institutet
- External academic research groups from other Swedish and European Universities
Corporate users
If you want to start using the zebrafish core facility or have questions, do not hesitate to contact us by writing an e-mail to
Which permits are required to be able to use the zebrafish core facility?
- The zebrafish core facility provides all necessary permits so that you can immediately use zebrafish embryos up to 5 days old in your experiments.
- The zebrafish core facility provides an ethical permit covering standard procedures in animals older than 5 days, e.g. breeding, establishing new transgenic lines, genotyping and pathology/necropsy.
- If you would like to run other experiments in animals older than 5 days, a personal ethical permit may be necessary. We provide standardized templates for a number of procedures and can assist you in writing an ethical permit
Which education is required to be able to work with zebrafish?
- All researchers who wish to work in the zebrafish core facility need to get an introduction on site which takes about 30 min
- All researchers who wish to work with zebrafish older than 5 days need to obtain a Laboratory animal science education. This education consists of a theoretical part (online) and a practical education on site. The laboratory animal science course can be booked by emailing
Further questions?
Please contacts us and/or schedule a meeting in the booking system iLab.