Selected Research at KERIC
Here we present some of the researchers that run some of the main projects at KERIC. Below are also some of our main Collaborators & Companies that use KERIC in their projects. Most of these projects utilize more than one modality and they are all strong contributors in their field of science.

Staffan Holmin
Preclinical and translational research is performed using state-of-the-art imaging such as a full scale angiocatheterization lab for animal research, micro-PET for small animals, and high field 9.4T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Christer Halldin
With the PET method, differences in tissue metabolism, function and circulation can be discovered. Diagnoses can be made earlier than with other methods such as CT and MRI. Christers group has several projects were PET has a central role together with advanced radiopharmacy.

Malin Jonsson Fagerlund
Research in our group revolves around perioperative assessment of patients with obstructive sleep apnea, with focus on pathophysiological mechanisms behind intermittent hypoxia and drugs used in anesthesia.

Niclas Roxhed
Associate professor and a team leader of biomedical microsystems at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. His main research fields are sensors for medical diagnostics, MEMS-based drug delivery and medical-aid microsystems.

Svetlana Bajalica Lagercrantz
Genetics of tumor predisposition and progression in breast cancer. The overall aim for the research in this team is to achieve improved patient handling in clinical oncology with specific focus on lymphoma and breast cancer.

Erika Roman
Erika Roman’s research focuses on individual differences in animal behaviour, concerning for example risk-taking and shelter-seeking, and how such differences are connected to physiological parameters and brain function.

KERIC has several projects in many different topics with AstraZeneca.
Karolinska Institutet and AstraZeneca establishment of a unique joint centre for research on cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.

Scantox, a contract research organization (CRO), has developed a significant footprint in toxicology and preclinical lead optimization over the past few decades. By leveraging scientific expertise and a flexible service model, Scantox has remained at the forefront of innovation, providing tailored solutions to meet the evolving needs of a diverse client base.

Definitive Surgical Trauma Care
Praktisk och teoretisk kurs i avancerad traumatologi för specialistkompetenta anestesiologer och kirurger på bakjoursnivå.