Preclinical MRI 9.4T
Preclinical MRI equipped with three gradient bore sizes. That makes it possible to arrange an effective inner diameter of 20, 12 or 6cm. Methods in anatomical imaging, fMRI, Ex vivo, Pharmacological MRI and Cardiac imaging (CINE) are established applications in various animal models.

Preclinical 9.4T MRI equipped with three gradient bore sizes.
20 cm bore size for large larger animals such as rabbits and small piglets.
12 cm bore size for medium size animals such as rats.
6 cm bore size for smaller animals such as mice.
There are several coils to cover anatomical imaging of brain, spine, heart, legs or whole body in various animal models. The system is equipped with four channels and there is also a dedicated Arterial Spin Labelling, (ASL) coil for rabbits brain applications. fMRI, pharmacological MRI and cardiac imaging are established applications. Monitoring system to follow biological data such as temperature, breathing, heart rate and more. Customise triggering of data scanning to allow images with minmal motion artefacts for breathing or heart beat can be done. Additional ex-vivo of various sizes with excellent resolution can be done.
Before using the 9.4T MRI you need to read and sign the booking document.
Equipment links

Preclinical MRI Bruker
This summer (2022) we will upgrade our existing system with a Bruker 9.4T 30cm magnet and latest console. Including a mouse brain cryoprobe.

Preclinical MRI Bruker
Cryoprobe for mouse brain applications

We use Biopack's system to monitor physiological signals in our MRI environment. The system can record, sync and send out stimuli signals.
MRI images examples
Rat brain
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