Immunotherapy in a new way
This year, The Swedish Cancer Society is making an extra investment in clinical studies and has therefore granted 120 million to 10 research projects. One of the scientists receiving funding is cancer-researcher Karl-Johan Malmberg at Karolinska Institutet, part of the steering group of the NextGenNK competence center.

Karl-Johan Malmberg receives SEK 19 million to investigate how a subset of NK cells so called “adaptive NK cells”, can be targeted against difficult-to-treat cancer.
"Our research team has achieved something amazing! Thanks to the Swedish Cancer Society's support, and skilled scientist within the NextGenNK network, we can now start a clinical study where patients with myeloid malignancies are treated with adaptive NK cells. This is based on decades of research and opens the door to applying new knowledge from the lab directly to patient care," says Karl-Johan Malmberg, Professor and senior researcher at the Department of Medicine, Huddinge, Karolinska Institutet.