eHealth Core Facility
Do you need support to conceptualize, develop, test and implement an eHealth tool or intervention? Do you want to deliver guided self-help interventions and collect self-assessment data? By choosing from a wide range of methods, we ensure the quality of your eHealth project, from idea to implementation.
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Our services - available via iLab

App Store publishing
Do you need help publishing an app? Learn more about how the eHealth Core Facility offers the possibility to publish KI Research Apps in Apple's App Store.

mHealth: mobile phone applications
Are you interested in developing or modifying a mobile phone application for your study? Our experts can develop customized software and provide advice on content and design.

Internet delivered interventions
Do you wish to set up an online therapeutic intervention? We provide support for development and maintentance of eHealth online.

BASS: Online data collection
Tired of using paper and pen for participant assessments? We provide solutions for digital data collection, from initial participant consent to assessment at multiple time-points.

Planning eHealth studies
Do you need support with grant applications or choosing the right informatics tool for your study? We provide support for all parts of the journey – from idea to publication.

eHealth networking and education
Do you look for networks and to learn more? We can help you get in touch with the people you seek and teach you the things you need to know to make your project successful.
More about the eHealth Core Facility
Ongoing projects
Some of our past and present projects.

Facts about our core facility
Director: Brjánn Ljótsson
Deputy directors: Sabine Koch and Marie Löf
Key words: ehealth, mhealth, informatics, app store publishing
Department: The eHealth Core Facility is a joint collaboration between the Department of Medicine Huddinge (MedH), the Department of Clinical Neuroscience (CNS) and the Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics (LIME).