Reporting credit bearing activities

Step-by-step guide to filling out the form no. 16. You will also find out what kind of supporting documentation you need to attach your application.

Please apply for credit bearing activities once a year. 

Participation in different activities

Participation in activities

Fill in the NVS form Certificate of Participation and attach even the program if there is any. The form is to be signed by the research seminar leader or your main supervisor. 

Tick the box for either journal clubs, research seminars or workshops. One form per type of activity.

Participation in ISP-seminars, half-time controls or dissertations are not counted.

This activity is mandatory and you need 1,5 credits, minimum. The maximum number of credits for this section is 6 credits.

Participation in international conference including own presentation

Participation in international kongress

NB. An international conference is open for international participants (that is, not only for international speakers) and lasts at least two days.

Attach the confirmation letter and the poster/oral presentation. The following must be stated: Name of PhD-student, date, name of conference and whether it was the oral or poster presentation that was accepted.

This activity is mandatory. Minimum number credits: 1,5 credits. Maximum number of credits: 3 credits if you started your doctoral education 2018 or after; 4,5 credits if you started your doctoral education prior to 2018.

Visiting research group at another university

Visiting research group

Attach a certicate written by the head of department at the university concerned. The date, the length of the visit and the name of the PhD-student must be stated.

Maximun number of credits for this section: 6 credits.

This activity is optional.

Teaching in own research field

Teaching in own research field

Attach a certificate written by your main supervisor or the seminar group leader. The date, number of hours, type of teaching and the name of the PhD-student must be stated.

Fill in the the number of hours without the preparation time in the box "Total hours of teaching". When making the decision, the director of doctoral education will include the preparation time.

See also the general syllabus.

Maximum number of credits: 4,5 credits if you started your doctoral education 2018 or after; 3 credits if you started your doctoral education prior to 2018.

This activity is optional.

The opportunities for teaching differ greatly between the divisions. For more information about what your division offers, contact the department administrator or ask your supervisor for help.



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