Research at the Division of Family Medicine and Primary Care

The division conducts a broad range of research with some 70 researchers and doctoral students with roots in family medicine and primary care. Our research covers clinical, patient-centred, epidemiological and care science aspects.

The research is linked to Karolinska Institutet, and is largely funded through the ALF agreement with Stockholm County Council. The division is home to two research groups, researchers as well as researchers affiliated with the division. Approximately 70 articles are published annually in reputable scientific journals.

Research Areas

The division's research develops knowledge in four main areas that are of great significance to primary care and the health of the population:

Chronic conditions

  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis/frailty
  • Pain

Healthcare and social work 

Medical education (pedagogy)

Mental health


Research Groups

Research Group Leader Johan Ärnlöv

Research group Johan Ärnlöv

Under the leadership of research group leader Johan Ärnlöv, this group investigates various aspects of the detrimental interaction between kidney disease and the development of cardiovascular disease in the population.
The group is working with a variety of national and international study materials to achieve its objectives. Upcoming main projects will focus on the role of our gut microbiota in the development of kidney disease.

Portrait of Lena von Koch
Lena von Koch. Foto: Gunnar Ask.

Healthcare Research and Social Work Research Group

The Healthcare Research and Social Work Research Group, headed by research group leader Lena von Koch, focuses on the significance that the social worker/counsellor's knowledge of both external societal factors and intra- and interpersonal factors plays in the health and well-being of patients and their relatives. The research work includes both interprofessional collaboration and evidence-based counselling work.

Researchers at the Division

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Helena Salminen

Helena Nilsson är leg.läkare och lektor och har bedrivit klinisk forskning inom osteoporos. Helena forskar även i hur vi kan förbättra lärandet i den kliniska lärandemiljön.
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Gunnar Nilsson

Gunnar Nilsson är professor i allmänmedicin särskilt medicinsk informatik och är verksam i forskning inom allmänmedicin, medicinsk informatik och pedagogik.
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Caroline Wachtler

Caroline forskar om psykisk ohälsa med fokus på implementering av evidensbaserade metoder för tidig identifiering och behandling av olika typer av depression inom primärvård.
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Per Wändell

Forskar om livskvalitet, diabetes, hypertoni, hjärtkärlsjukdomar, invandrarhälsa, effekter av sköldkörtelhormon på demens och cancer, komplementärmedicin, samsjuklighet mellan somatisk och psykisk sjukdom.


Other researchers affiliated with the Division.






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