Medarbetare vid KIND
Sven Bölte
Även forskargruppsledareForskargruppsledare och forskarteamsledare
Tatja Hirvikoski
Affiliated to ResearchTerje Falck-Ytter
Principal ResearcherKristiina Tammimies
Principal ResearcherUlf Jonsson
Affiliated to ResearchJanina Neufeld
Principal ResearcherMedarbetare A-C
Lovisa Alehagen
Leg. psykolog, DoktorandHanna Agius
PhD StudentSteve Berggren
Affiliated to ResearchAnna Borg
Affiliated to ResearchSven Bölte
Full ProfessorChristina Coco
Affiliated to ResearchMedarbetare D-H
Terje Falck-Ytter
Principal ResearcherSonya Girdler
Anknuten till forskningMarika Habbe
DoktorandIrzam Hardiansyah
Doktorand, Marie CurieJohn Hasslinger
Postdoctoral Studies;Affiliated to ResearchMartina Hedenius
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