Shyam Rajagopalan

Affiliated to Research
Visiting address: BioMedicum A4, Solnavägen 9, 17165 Solna
Postal address: K6 Kvinnors och barns hälsa, K6 Neuropsykiatri Tammimies, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • My research applies tools from computer science, machine/deep learning and
    engineering towards tracing the biological underpinnings of Autism Spectrum
    Disorder (ASD).
    I received a master's degree in computer science from the Indian Institute
    of Technology, Madras (IIT), India and a PhD in Information Sciences &
    Engineering from the University of Canberra, Australia. I worked in the
    software industry for 25+ yrs in leading multinational organizations, such as
    Citrix & Adobe Systems. I was working in senior leadership roles (Senior
    Director of Engineering) driving large teams and shipping successful
    software products in the cloud technology domain.
    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Affective Computing, University of Canberra,
    Master of Science by Research (MS) in Computer Science, Indian Institute of
    Technology, Madras, India.
    Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in Computer Science, University of Madras, India
    *Professional Work Experience*
    Senior Director of Engineering, Citrix R&D, Bangalore, India. Feb 2021 - Apr
    Director of Engineering & Sr Research Scientist, Adobe Systems India Private
    Limited, Bangalore, India. Feb 2005 - Mar 2013, Jul 2016 - Feb 2021.
    Senior Development Manager, Aditi Tech/Talisma Corp., Bangalore, India. Jul
    1995 - Feb 2005
    Scientific Officer, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India. Aug 1993 -
    Jun 1995.


  • I am working on a large project that aims to build prediction models for
    neurodevelopmental disorders using clinical and genomic information. In
    addition, I am working on other projects analyzing genetic information in
    intervention outcomes, genomics studies in different neurodevelopmental
    disorder cohorts and analyzing functional genomics data generated from
    patient-derived neurons.
    *Project 1: Multimodal machine learning models to identify presymptomatic
    markers and predict risk scores of Autism in infants (0 - 18 mo)*
    The characterizing behaviour symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) -
    social impairments, language/communication deficits and
    restrictive/repetitive behaviours - are usually absent before 14 months of
    age. However, recent studies are pointing towards the presence of early
    traits common in the general population and start to diverge towards core ASD
    symptoms by 2yr for certain high-risk individuals. There is growing evidence
    of disruption in brain development resulting from a combination of genetic
    variations during this development phase. This warrants more focused
    longitudinal studies to identify combinations of presymptomatic markers in
    infants (

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