Operation Save Lives: Education in suicide prevention

Operation Save Lives is a lecture series about suicide prevention that is intended to spread knowledge about mental health and suicide in order to prevent suicide.

Please note that all Operation Save Lives lectures are done in Swedish.

Logotype Operation Save Lives
Operation Save Lives

One-day introductory seminar

Target group

The one-day introductory seminar targets primarily people who come into contact with suicidal and vulnerable people in their profession. 

During the seminar, the following areas are highlighted:

  • Facts about suicide, myths and taboos
  • The connection between suicide and mental ill-health
  • The importance of an open dialogue in talking about suicide
  • The treatment of suicidal patients and the professional approach
  • Risk factors – what to look for
  • Protective factors against suicide attempt
  • Causes of suicide among youth, treatment and prevention
  • The purpose of a suicide risk assessment - why is it necessary, and when should it be performed?

Advanced half-day seminar about trans-cultural aspects of suicide

Individuals who participate in the one-day general introductory seminar have the opportunity to take part in Operation Save Lives’ half-day advanced seminar about trans-cultural aspects of suicide. 

Being able to prevent suicide requires not only knowledge about suicide prevention but also knowledge about how this problem presents and manifests itself in different cultures. This half-day seminar focuses on how you can prevent suicide in a multicultural society.



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Linda Karlsson

Affiliated to Research
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