Emergency Care of a Suicidal Person (AOSP)

There are two courses in Emergency Care of a Suicidal Person (AOSP): a one-day course to raise awareness and knowledge about how to act in an emergency situation where a person is at risk of taking their own life; and a two-day course where you become an AOSP instructor and are thereafter certified to lead the one-day AOSP course.

One-day AOSP Course

This course was developed as part of the Suicide Prevention in Stockholm County (SPIS) – a collaborative project between Police, Stockholm Fire Brigade, Ambulance care in Greater Stockholm Ltd, SOS-Alarm, The National Association for Suicide Prevention and Support for Families of Suicide Victims (SPES) and NASP. This 5-8 hour course is based on a series of recorded lectures that address risk and vulnerability factors associated with mental ill-health and suicide, as well as myths and prejudices. Additionally there is information about what assistance can be offered to people with mental illness.  

This course also includes information about how to respond in an emergency situation, including various laws, obligations and rights we have in emergency situations. In order to exemplify different situations that can arise, several case-studies are used, where the participants can discuss i.e. different problems and solutions and where the course leader asks questions to stimulate reflection on the various examples. In addition, there are several real-life films that highlight the consequences of suicide in families and schools.

Two-day AOSP Instructor Course

The goal of the course

Our goal is to educate instructors about the AOSP material to allow them to convey the information well while educating others in this topic.

Content of the Course

  • Recorded material
  • Knowledge about how different first responder organisations (Police, Fire Brigade, Ambulance, SOS-Alarm) communicate and cooperate with each other and with other actors (for example, social services, law enforcement, and health care)
  • Which legislation applies in different situations
  • Tactics, communication/conversation methods
  • Questions about the working environment


All courses are given in Swedish, but do not hesitate to be in contact you if you have any questions or are interested in this training.

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